Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Maybe 2020 is going out on a high note

I have to relay this non-political story because it's been maybe a year since I laughed so hard.  On my commute home today, there was a white Subaru being just an absolute a-hole on the road.  Weaving in and out of traffic on I-291 outside of Springfield, MA, but then getting caught up in the bottleneck of single-lane roads through Chicopee and Granby.

Just by sheer happenstance, I caught up to this car because it simply couldn't pass any other cars on the single lane with oncoming traffic.  The white Subaru was behind an F150 going around the speed limit and I knew we were all coming up to straight section near farmland that also happened to be a double-yellow line (as in, you can't pass).

Sure enough, as soon as we were on the straight, the Subaru blew through the double line and passed the pickup.  THEN, the car BEHIND me sped up, crossed the double yellow and got behind the Subaru.

Then TURNED ON HIS LIGHTS.  It was an unmarked police car that just happened to be in the right place at the right time, if you're a fan of street justice.

I laughed all the way home.


  1. Generally speaking, cops don't mind speeding as much as they mind speeding combined with lots of lane changes. Especially bad is doing all of that in a fucking Subaru, for which he deserves jail time.

  2. What's funny - in hindsight - is that I totally blew through a stop sign (right turn) with this unmarked car right behind me.
    The lane pass, though, was SO egregious.
