Monday, November 16, 2020

Oh that's different

Hot Air: "CNN Panel: Here’s Why Stacey Abrams’ Refusal To Concede Was More Virtuous Than Trump’s."  It's CNN so take a wild guess.  


  1. Stacey Abrams is 10 pounds of potatoes stuffed into a 5 pound bag.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Here’s Why Stacey Abrams’ Refusal To Concede Was More Virtuous Than Trump’s." It's CNN so take a wild guess.

    Ooh, wait, I know this one! Because unlike Brian Kemp, Joe Biden didn't reject Homeland Security assistance to secure his election from outside interference, didn't toss about a million and a half people off the voter rolls, didn't target white voters in doing so, didn't falsely accuse the GOP of committing election cybercrimes right before November 3, and didn't have his own office certify his own election win?

    But I agree it was wrong for Stacey Abrams to file dozens of frivolous election fraud suits that were dismissed with comical speed.

  4. Because unlike Brian Kemp, Joe Biden didn't reject Homeland Security assistance to secure his election from outside interference,

    I call bullshit - cite / link, please.

  5. didn't toss about a million and a half people off the voter rolls,

    Is that the governor's responsibility, or that of local officials / GA Secretary of State? b Were they simply 'tossed off' or were they removed for cause like being dead, not voting for a number of years and / or moving out of state?

  6. Anonymous11:08 PM

    I call bullshit - cite / link, please.

    It's called "Google," Roger.

    Were they simply 'tossed off' or were they removed for cause like being dead, not voting for a number of years and / or moving out of state?

    Nuh-uh. The first charity Googling was free, Roger. But after that, I'd only be destroying your incentive to work by giving you knowledge handouts.

  7. But after that, I'd only be destroying your incentive to work by giving you knowledge handouts.

    So you take a shit and I gotta wipe your ass? No thanks.

  8. I always love the "threw voters off the voting rolls" excuse for Abrams.

    This was a law passed by a Democrat legislature and signed by a Democrat governor in Georgia and then Brian Kemp enforced it as secretary of state. But, like everything else in the structural racism universe, because it disproportionately affected black voters there must have been some nefarious plot at work.

    "Were they simply 'tossed off' or were they removed for cause like being dead, not voting for a number of years and / or moving out of state?"

    Yes, that's why.

  9. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Agreed, everyone knows that Republicans love throwing voters off the voting rolls.

    But now it's all about the stolen election and massive voter fraud. The Hubble telescope has less projection than the Trump Republic Party.

    Poor Roger is in some kind of bruised feelings shit spiral. He doesn't like being contradicted with easy-to-find facts.

  10. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Imagine that it's November 2020 and becoming offended by the insultingly false claims of voter fraud and suppression..... from Stacey Abrams.

  11. Lin Wood9:10 AM

    Although for the sake of your comparison, you would like Stacy Abrams to have complained about "voter fraud," in the real world her complaints were all about voter suppression. Better luck next time.

  12. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Heh. Stacey Abrams wasn't my hobby horse, it was yours and VP's and Hot Air's. Because the GOP's post-outcome projection and PTSD has been moronic and indefensibly un-American and that's not a topic you care to discuss.

    "Trump is blocking the transition, but that's okay, because she..."

    Traditionally, presidents pattern their behavior after whoever lost the Georgia Governor's race.

    Better luck next time, four long years from now.

  13. Anonymous9:24 AM

    YOU: "Stacy Abrams claimed she was the victim of voter fraud."

    ME: "Ummm...actually, she didn't. She complained about voter suppression."

    YOU: "Who cares? I'm not the one who brought her up!"

    ME: "Better luck next time."

  14. Anonymous4:19 PM

    Zzzzz. Was hair dye dribbling down your sweaty head while you re-typed this powerful counterargument?
