Friday, November 20, 2020

Listen to the science

No, not that much science.  City Journal: "Lockdown Addicts" - "New data from Sweden show it’s safe to keep schools open, but Joe Biden’s Covid-19 advisors seem more interested in shutting down."


  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    For the lockdown-weary, a brief window of hope opened after the presidential election. With Joe Biden victorious, Democratic politicians and their media allies lost their incentive to weaken Donald Trump’s economy and stoke Covid-19 panic among voters...

    Snore. Pass.

  2. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Speaking of Joe Biden, those always impressive betting markets rate him as only a 91% favorite to win the state of Georgia... even after Georgia was officially certified, mind you.

    Ignore the failed MSDNC suppression polls. This is the chance to parlay that 9% Donald Trump chance to win Georgia into some serious cash profit!
