Sunday, October 11, 2020

What media bias? The AP falls in line with the new narrative.

Looks like the new Democrat talking point is that packing the Supreme Court is a valid proposal since the Republicans "packed the court first."  Ya know, with the entirely Constitutional practice of approving judges in the Senate.  Kudos to Jake Tapper (of CNN!) for pointing this out.

Now, with Orwellian speed, the Associated Press has adopted the Democrats' language of "depoliticizing" the Court will replace "packing."  Nothing surprising me when it comes to media bias anymore.  


  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Oh no! The side that invented, and then redefined "The Biden Rule" doesn't like the other side making stuff up?

    If in three weeks the Senate Democrats are given the power to pack the court, then court packing is purely a matter of their will to do it.

    Biden's refusal to answer is a shrewd veiled threat. It also shows the political good sense not to get ahead of one's skis on speculative business for absolutely no gain, a quality that your trailing candidate lacks. ("I am hereby strongly ending the Covid stimulus negotiations!" "Wait, now I DO want stimulus!" "In fact, I want more stimulus than the Senate Republicans will give!")

    If packing the court is legal (it is) and if the minority party can't stop it (TBD, but it sure is looking good), what does it say again on those hilarious rally T-shirts? "Fuck your feelings"?

    The ball's in McConnell's court. Which might be Schumer's court in... wow, just 7 weeks?

  2. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Correction: 11 weeks.

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