Thursday, October 08, 2020

What exactly are we doing here?

I've been complaining about the decline of discussion on the Sunday morning talk shows for a long time.  I'm old enough to remember when New York senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan would go on "Meet the Press" and - imagine this - answer questions.  He was a happy warrior who would state his positions without obfuscation or ambiguity.  I miss that guy.

Then there was the Vice Presidential debate.  Real Clear Politics: "Few Interruptions, Even Fewer Straight Answers."

This began early in the night with a double dodge of the most pertinent question during a pandemic. Debate moderator Susan Page asked: Had they discussed safeguards or procedures with their running mates in case of presidential disability? Pence gave an unrelated answer about how Democrats had “undermined public confidence in a vaccine.” When it was her turn, Harris inexplicably talked about when Biden asked her to join the ticket, calling it “one of the most memorable days of my life.”

Page moved on. Her question went unanswered. The non sequiturs kept coming.

At one point, Pence turned a question about abortion into a meandering reply about the U.S. attack on Iranian intelligence commander Qasem Soleimani. Harris saw that gambit and raised him one: Asked if the next president should be transparent about his health records, Harris brought up Trump’s recently leaked tax returns.

What a waste of time.  After one of the early Democrat debates, it was decreed that the raising of hands to indicate a clear-cut position on an issue was verboten.  Too much honesty!  Now news shows and campaigns and debates will only be the recitation of stale talking points.


  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    MAGA = Make All (of those sunday news shows that had just as many liars and obfuscators and just as many glaringly insincere spin doctors and just as many soft interviews in the supposed good old days as they do today) Great Again!

  2. I haven't watched a Sunday morning talk show in decades. Even then it was without objectivity; the last guy I'd watch on any regular basis was Tim Russert, and he was a fucking Bills fan! Once he passed on, so did my interest in watching that stuff.

  3. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Tim Russert's trademark move was to ask one (and only one) challenging question per interview, listen to the person dodge and avoid answering it, and then thank them for coming. Then he got credit for "asking the tough questions."

    Russert was widely hailed for writing "Florida, Florida, Florida" on a dry erase board in 2000. Just astonishing political acumen, coming early Wednesday morning on Election Night.

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