Saturday, October 10, 2020

The voters don't need to know that

Why should voters know how you stand on a position in an election?  Anyway, I'll just leave this here: 


  1. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Joe Biden is going to release his answer very soon. But he just can't do it while his answer is still under audit.

  2. A Face in the Crowd2:27 PM

    NEWS UPDATE: Not only does O'Biden think that his position on packing the court is something that voters don't need to know, he thinks it's something they don't deserve to know.

    The mask has indeed come off.

  3. Anonymous8:51 PM

    THIS TIME YOU'VE GOT HIM! Sweep the leg, Johnny!

  4. Anonymous5:36 PM

    September 18: Justice Ginsburg dies. Biden at 50.1%, leads Trump by 6.7%

    September 21: Biden refuses to answer question about court packing. Biden at 50.3%, leads by 6.8%

    September 29: Biden again refuses to answer at the debate. Biden at 50.2%, leads by 7.1%

    October 5-11: Biden continues to not answer, Kamala Harris won't answer either, Trump and his campaign tweets and complains about court packing. Biden at 52.2%, leads by 10.4%

    But don't give up now. The last three weeks were a statistical fluke, these final three weeks are where it's all gonna happen!

  5. The Mormon11:19 AM

    Joe has finally given an opinion on court packing, saying he's "not a fan" of it. This, of course, leaves him the wiggle room to later say, "but it's a regrettably necessary step to insure judicial integrity."

    Meanwhile those Joe Biden polls gain confirmation by the insane level of enthusiasm by the hordes at Joe's campaign rallies!

  6. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Joe has finally given an opinion on court packing, saying he's "not a fan" of it. This, of course, leaves him the wiggle room to later say, "but it's a regrettably necessary step to insure judicial integrity."

    Ha ha, yeah. And duh. Biden's political wisdom on this is SO obvious and SO successful that even Trolly understands exactly what he's doing.

    And Biden hasn't lost a single vote over it. I just hope none of his four new Justices are over the age of 31.

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