Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The fifth column

New Neo: "Compare and contrast: loyalty to the candidates."
When the press takes sides so openly and nakedly, and is joined by social media giants, we have reached a level of partisan information control I thought I’d never see in this country. But that’s where we are. And it’s in service of a candidate who has always been of mediocre intelligence at best and is now cognitively faded, who is almost certainly corrupt, who has been wrong on almost every important issue that exists, is a long-term liar and plagiarist, and will be putty in the hands of the most extreme leftists in his party who hate America and capitalism and want both destroyed.
Say what you will about Trump but he's exposed the rot underneath the floorboards of the American media.  Every single one of them thinks they're Woodward and Bernstein and their standards of fairness will turn on a dime when it suits their crusade.  


  1. Anonymous6:49 PM

    That's eight consecutive "Grrr, we're losing because of the liberal media" posts in a row.

    And yet Trump has exposed their rot, and nobody in America trusts the media anymore!

    Makes any sense?

    Don't think. Just feel.

  2. The only thing that's being lost if your asshole's virginity to your boyfriend.

  3. Anonymous1:36 PM

    The start of the "60 Minutes" footage released by Trump to "expose the media":

    Leslie Stahl: "You ready for tough questions?"
    Donald Trump: "Just be fair."
    Stahl: "Last time you were like, 'bring it on.'"
    Trump: "No, I'm not looking for that.I’m looking for fairness, that’s all."
    Stahl: “You will get fairness, but you are okay with some tough questions?"
    Trump: "No, I’m not. You don’t ask Biden tough questions."

    At the end of the interview, Trump whines that Stahl "brought up a lot of subjects that were inappropriately brought up."

    Trump also complains that Stahl did an interview with Joe Biden that was "softball after softball." Stahl informs Trump that she hasn't done an interview with Joe Biden.

    Don't think. Just feel.

  4. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Oh, yes. I'm sure we're all aware that the media has made allowances for Trump his entire Presidency. If only they had challenged him with the same determined covenant that they have displayed with every interaction with say...Obama, Comey, Biden, Hillary, Schiff, Pelosi, etc. Oh, my gosh, THEN we would see a reckoning.

  5. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Feel. Feeeel.

    That unforgettable Leslie Stahl-Joe Biden interview was a softball lovefest.

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