Sunday, October 25, 2020

Oh, that's unverified...because we refuse to verify it

Here's Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone (neither one a fan of Trump) giving voice to what we all see: "With the Hunter Biden Expose, Suppression is a Bigger Scandal Than The Actual Story - Unprecedented efforts to squelch information about a New York Post story may prove to be more dangerous corruption than whatever Hunter Biden did with a crooked Ukrainian energy company."  

Extra - NPR can't be bothered with Hunter but they sure had time for any unsubstantiated Kavanaugh allegation that came down the pike.


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    The Rolling Stone once was the magazine for music and unusual stories. It has long ago become a partisan rag of progressive ideals that are repugnant to any civil and moral society. They think it is edgy but it is actually just uncivil and immoral.

  2. Anonymous12:53 PM

    David Frum:
    Have you noticed how upset Trump partisans are that they cannot force their Fox News plot lines onto other media?

    There's a reason for that. 40% of US adults affirmatively distrust Fox News as an information source.

    The NYT, the Washington Post, CNN can legitimize an accusation into a national news story.

    Fox has never earned equivalent trust. Which is why Trump talkers on far-right and far-left are so desperate to brow-beat reputable media organizations into validating Fox fantasies.

  3. Anonymous2:38 PM

    The Hunter Biden laptop story is a Trump scandal, not a Biden scandal.

    You guys are fondling yourselves inside your pants, without ever getting the orgasm. Just like Rudy.

  4. George Trump5:58 PM

    Let's recap the lines in the sand against the Popgate story...

    1. Hey, look at Facebook and Twitter kick Trump in the nuts!
    2. RUSSIANS! selected Giuliani as their target to ferry the fake Hunter material, and the White House knew it!
    3. It's Russian disinformation and the FBI are investigating Rudy.
    4. A NY Post reporter who wrote the article thinks the material might not be credible.
    5. Giuliani purposely gave it to a sympathetic outlet.
    6. Fox News thinks it might not be credible.
    7. Chris Wallace thinks the story is "suspicious."
    8. Muh Polls.
    9. Rudy contradicts the FBI and admits it's not authentic.
    10. I'm going to delegitimize Popgate by investigating predictions you made in the past.
    11. No one cares about the genuine Hunter laptop material I tried so hard to discredit.
    12. The emails and corrupt China and Ukraine business deals are real, but Pop wasn't involved.

    And I was pleased to notice a new one was added:

    13. All the shady dealings exposed by the laptop turn out to actually be a Trump scandal.

  5. The Hunter Biden laptop story is a Trump scandal, not a Biden scandal.

    The only scandal is your boyfriend not wearing a condom when he nailed you in the keister on the first date.

  6. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Trolly can't rebut completely accurate statements, so he numbers them instead and pretends he's torn them to shreds.

    Speaking of "re-butting," Roger Bournival is about to bend over and take a second consecutive blue wave all the way up his gay-hatin' funhole. In his case, it's called brainwashing.

  7. When was the first wave - when your boyfriend pulled out and shot a wad on your face?

  8. George...uh, George9:23 AM

    And what have all of your shifting lines in the sand accomplished? Poll: Voters Conclude Joe Biden Benefited from Hunter Biden Business Deals

    Of those that disapprove of President Trump’s leadership, 50 percent stated they believe it was ‘very or somewhat likely’ corruption took place in those deals. Twenty-seven percent disagreed, saying that corruption was “not very likely” and 11 percent said they believe corruption was “very unlikely.” Eleven percent said they believe there was no corruption at all. Twelve percent stated they were unsure about whether corruption took place.

    ...and .00001% said that the Biden influence-peddling business deals were "a Trump scandal."

  9. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Rasmussen, Rasmussen and now Rasmussen from Mr. MUH POLLS!

    How's the Bobulinskimania going? Sweeping the nation yet?

  10. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Awww, normal America made Trump's senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis have a sad.

    Ellis: "The ENTIRE hour of Tucker Carlson and Tony Bobulinski didn’t trend once. Twitter is a joke."

  11. Plausible Deniability9:14 PM

    Ummm...Bobulinski trended where it counts:

    YUGE: Nearly 7.6 million people tuned in to watch Tucker Carlson interview Tony Bobulinski

    By comparison, CNN pulled in just shy of 2 million viewers for “Anderson Cooper 360.”

    Don't worry though, I'm sure he had a paltry selection of ads on the show.

  12. Anonymous10:14 PM


  13. Plausible Deflection9:12 AM

    "Please allow me to change the subject."

  14. Anonymous4:31 PM

    "Media! Stop talking about Covid Covid Covid, talk about Hunter Laptop!"

    Self-awareness, what's that?

  15. Senior administration official Miles Taylor6:14 PM

    "Please let's stop talking about Bobulinski even though it was I who chose to start babbling about him without prompting. Your new information convinced me to cut my losses."

    It's unsurprising you ask what self-awareness is. Go Google it.

  16. Anonymous10:17 PM

    So, how is the Bobulinski rehash of 2016 working out for you? It's THE story, it must have caught on by now.

    Let's check the latest headlines... that I Googled.

    Cook Report:
    Biden’s Path to 270 Widens, Trump’s Path Narrows, as Texas Moves to Toss Up

    We Have A Lot Of New Polls, But There’s Little Sign Of The Presidential Race Tightening

    The Economist:
    Donald Trump's chance of winning the popular vote: less than 1 in 20 or <1%
    Donald Trump's chance of winning the electoral college: around 1 in 20 or 5%

    Sabato's Crystal Ball:
    Electoral College Ratings: Biden 290, Trump 163, Toss-Ups 85
    Georgia’s Senate Races Both Move to Toss-up
    Democrats Poised to Make State Legislative Gains

  17. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Buh I knuh yuh don't like muh polls. Let's get back to the only topic.

    The Hunter Biden 'dossier' that went viral on right-wing internet sites and was later disseminated by Trump's close associates appears to be from a fake 'intelligence firm'.

    The author of the report, 'Martin Aspen', does not exist.

    Justin Baragona, Daily Beast:
    Tucker Carlson, who has spent the past two weeks obsessing on the Hunter Biden emails, now says it's time to leave Hunter alone.

  18. Plausible Miles9:51 AM

    It's good that "Martin Aspen" doesn't exist, since no one's ever heard of him or his dossier. But it's not surprising that NBC would try to con weak minds into conflating an unknown fake intelligence report with the genuine but unrelated Biden laptop documents.

  19. Martin Aspen10:24 AM

    Biden’s Path to 270 Widens, Trump’s Path Narrows, as Texas Moves to Toss Up

    Wow, cool! So you'd think Biden would be there fighting for Texas instead of... fighting for uh... MINNESOTA, wouldn't you? But his campaign knows things others don't, I guess.

  20. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Something the Biden campaign knows: if they were to win Texas, it would lift Biden to between 390 and 410 electoral votes.

  21. Martin Aspen6:43 PM

    M'aaaaaand they said..."Who wants 390 to 410 electoral votes? Not us!"

  22. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Only one sensible conclusion can be drawn by looking at the election travels and strategy in October:

    "Wow, Biden is totally playing desperation defense."

  23. trunalimunumaprzure6:29 PM

    Biden is beyond feeling desperation. Or much of anything else other than confusion.

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