Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Nothing to see here, move along

Reason: "The Media Does Not Want You To Read, Share, or Discuss The New York Post's Hunter Biden Scoop."


  1. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Giuliani working with the Russians... again... is a scoop?

    The real story here is that Facebook and Twitter aren't afraid of Trump anymore. They can read polls, too.

  2. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Nothing says "We're not afraid of Trump anymore" like censoring news stories that reflect badly on his election opponent.

  3. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Nothing says "Trump is going to win!" like whining about the censorship of Russian propaganda you somehow know all about anyway.

    Also, Twitter and Facebook are businesses. Are you saying Masterpiece Cakeshop "censored" that gay couple?

    And hey, how are those DoJ investigations into the treasonous crimes of Obama and Biden coming along? There's not much time left to drop those devastating bombshells.

  4. Scoop!7:43 PM

    The Washington Post, today:
    The White House was warned that Rudy Giuliani was the target of a Russia intelligence operation to feed misinformation to Trump.

  5. Anonymouser9:16 PM

    Clearly, someone is whining...but it ain't me.

  6. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Trolly: "Waaahh, no fair, why won't the mean old fake news broadcast all of our fake Russian talking points the way they did in 2016? Ohhh, 2016... 2016... mmmmm... urggghll... "

  7. Anonymous9:51 PM

    [fap fap fap fap fap]

  8. Anonymouser9:12 AM

    I knew my comment (second one in this thread) packed a powerful punch, but I didn't expect that it would still be making this guy bounce off the walls two days later.

  9. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Trolly is so disheartened by events that he can't even count the days correctly anymore.

    Another thing that happened only one day ago: an FBI investigation into the unauthenticated emails in Rudy Giuliani's "big Hunter Biden scoop" and their connection to a Russian intelligence operation. Awww, and that was supposed to be the start of Trump Polling Bounce #37.

    You're going to have at least four years to whine. Pace yourself.

  10. Anonymouser11:12 AM

    Nothing says "These emails are unauthenticated" like the principals involved refusing to dispute their validity.

  11. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Which day is that post from, Trolly? Also two days ago? Tomorrow?

    The White House was directly warned by U.S. intelligence that Giuliani was the target of a Russian operation to feed misinformation to Trump. That was weeks ago, or maybe it was next Thursday.

    But it's not about believing Russian disinformation. It's purely about wanting to see that disinformation achieve the widest possible distribution, as close as possible to the election. Ah, sweet warm 2016... [fap fap fap fap]

  12. Hunter's Meth Pipe3:09 PM

    Nothing says "This is RUSSIAN! disinformation" like a desperate wishcasting lefty media a few weeks before the election.

  13. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I checked and those are all actual words. But the combination makes zero sense.

    The Troll-to-English Translation:
    "Please, God, just one Trump bounce. I've prayed so hard all year. You must know what it's like to pray for a bounce for a whole year but get absolutely nothing."

  14. Hunter's Meth Pipe8:55 PM

    God Answers: "It could have been worse. Be glad you weren't some sad loser praying for someone or something to save you for the last four years but getting one bitchslapping after another."

  15. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Reduced to fantasies of "bitchslapping." As if 2018 never happened. As if 2020 isn't happening.

    Why does someone so skilled as a slapper always come up so empty-handed?

  16. Hunter's Meth Pipe11:02 AM

    My skill at bitchslapping you, which was epically demonstrated in this thread, doesn't begin to compare to reality's.

    And haven't you noticed? Being empty-handed is no impediment to being effective at slapping bitchez.

  17. Anonymous12:44 PM

    You do fixate on my words. Don't worry, Trolly, you'll never be "empty-handed" as long as you have 2016. Ughnnn, ooooh, mmrruughhh... [fap fap fap fap]

  18. Anonymous7:49 PM


    Reporter Refused to Put Name on Hunter Biden Story

    “The New York Post’s front-page article about Hunter Biden on Wednesday was written mostly by a staff reporter who refused to put his name on it,” the New York Times reports.

    “Bruce Golding, a reporter at the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid since 2007, did not allow his byline to be used because he had concerns over the article’s credibility.”

    (Not trustworthy or credible enough to meet those high New York Post standards? Oof.)

  19. Anonymous8:00 PM




    Mr. Giuliani said he chose The Post because “either nobody else would take it, or if they took it, they would spend all the time they could to try to contradict it before they put it out.”

  20. The Big Guy's 10 and 509:02 AM

    Heh! I'm not sure which is Funniest...

    That you hope some reporter having "concerns" about whether the laptop material is authentic will save you!


    That Pop Biden and his campaign are just letting your reporter twist slowly, slowly in the wind by refusing to even claim that the laptop material is not authentic!


    That Rudy Giuliani giving the material to a sympathetic outlet is...some unspecified unsavory thing!

  21. Anonymous11:34 AM


    Biden won't help Trump by giving the stillborn Russian story oxygen... SO WHAT'S HE HIDING?!?



    The 400th "...will save you," from the guy who pretends his candidates aren't the ones in desperate need of a rescue that's not coming.




    For conservatives, the 2020 campaign has become that old gross-out scat meme, "2 Girls, 1 Trump." So drink up, Trolly. CHUG! CHUG! You've earned it.

  22. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Heh. And the hits just keep on coming.

    Fox News Passed on Hunter Biden Laptop Story Over Credibility Concerns

    Fox News was first approached by Rudy Giuliani to report on a tranche of files alleged to have come from Hunter Biden’s unclaimed laptop left at a Delaware computer repair shop, but that the news division chose not to run the story unless or until the sourcing and veracity of the emails could be properly vetted.
    . . . .
    According to two sources familiar with the matter, the lack of authentication of Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop, combined with established concerns about Giuliani as a reliable source and his desire for unvetted publication, led the network’s news division to pass. Fox News declined to comment on this story.

    Some of Fox News’ top news anchors and reporters have distanced themselves from the story. During an on-air report that largely focused on how social media platforms handled this story, Bret Baier said, “Let’s say, just not sugarcoat it. The whole thing is sketchy.”
    . . . .
    Chris Wallace also called the story “suspicious” and said, “I can understand the concern about this story. It is completely unverified and frankly, Rudy Giuliani is not the most reliable source anymore. I hate to say that, but it’s just true.”

    According to a leaked memo obtained by The Daily Beast earlier this year, the research department at Fox News had previously described Giuliani as “amplifying disinformation” surrounding the Ukraine corruption story that lay at the heart of the impeachment of President Trump earlier this year.
    . . . .
    According to an Associated Press report, the mixing of legitimate emails with false ones was a tactic used by Russian intelligence operations in the 2017 French election. Leaked emails that were called “utterly mundane” were included to lend credibility to falsified information designed to undermine Emanuel Macron’s reelection bid.

    Fox News. They decided. Not to report.


  23. The Big Guy's 10 and 502:12 PM

    Nothing starves a story of oxygen like refusing to simply say it is false.

  24. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Sad Trolly:
    "Why won't Joe Biden do the stupid thing I want him to do?"

    "Why doesn't the 2016 bag of rehashed tricks work anymore?"

    "And how do you bitchslap a blue bloodbath?"

    There are no "explosive emails." There are no DoJ treason/unmasking reports, either. No rushed vaccine. The Death Star Trump campaign is broke. You and John Ratcliffe both know that the only ones paying serious attention to Rudy's failed Russian laptop farce are the FBI... and the targets they're investigating ain't named Biden.



  25. The Big Guy's 10 and 50 also8:29 PM

    "The FBI will save me!"

    Well, they did try to once before, who could blame you for your hope?

  26. Anonymous12:35 AM

    I literally just made fun of Trump's rehashed tricks that don't work, and you came roaring back with the 401st "...will save you." Because I'd just made fun of THAT above.

    You're so bad at this!

    "Ah, Ziggy... will you EVER win?"

  27. The Big Guy's 10 and 50 repeatedly9:24 AM

    Haven't I already bitchslapped you out of commenting here during your raving, sleepless nights? Don't make me do it again.

  28. Anonymous11:28 AM

    You're so, so bad at this.

    Pitiful revenge fantasies of "bitchslapping" your betters during another blue tsunami will save you!

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