Thursday, October 29, 2020

Not even hiding the bias

Ace: "Glenn Greenwald Resigns From His Own Media Company, The Intercept -- Because The Editors In Chief Are Repudiating The Site's Mission Statement and Imposing Complete Censorship Over Any Mention of the Biden Crime Family Scandal."

Instapundit comments: "What is going on in media now is not normal. It is, in fact, a species of coup. Should Biden win, many will regard his victory as essentially illegitimate because of this, and they will have a good argument." 


  1. Anonymous - Glenn Greenwald just resigned, so he'll have lots of free time now. Need a new boyfriend, or just a 'friend' with benefits, if ya know what I mean? Time to upgrade to a professional, wink wink, nudge nudge!

  2. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Election Day is just 4 days away, Roger. It will be upsetting and confusing.

    Be careful not to mix up the handkerchief you use to wipe the tears off your face with the handkerchief you use to wipe the male love juice off your face.

  3. Popgate6:53 PM

    Heh - just saw this:

    Twitter Capitulates: Reinstates NYPost Account After 16-Day Suspension

    Following contentious Congressional testimony this week from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and a 22% drop on Friday, the social media giant finally decided to unlock the New York Post's account just days before the general election - after more than two weeks in Twitter jail for posting a negative article on the company's preferred candidate, Joe Biden.

    Kudos to the NY Post for not capitulating to the blackmail, and getting rewarded with a humiliating retreat by Jack Dorsey.

  4. Anonymous2:42 PM

    The 16-day Post suspension and Biden news suppression:

  5. Barbara Streisand6:18 PM

    Let's see...The NY Post got almost 200,000 new followers on Twitter during Jack's principled stand when the Post was not allowed to Post a single tweet...Aaaand MIT reported that Jack's censorship "almost doubled" the visibility of New York Post's Hunter Biden laptop story...So yeah, some kind of mission was accomplished!

  6. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Almost doubled the visibility of the story that isn't being reported?

    Uh... congratulations?

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