Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Joe, what was the most enchanting thing about your milkshake?

 Rich Lowry: "The Biden Protection Racket."

Never before have the media been so openly fearful of asking or reporting something that might hurt a presidential candidate. What are supposed to be the animating values of our adversarial press — informing the public, getting answers, holding the powerful to account — have all been subordinated to the protection racket that is coverage of Joe Biden.

Classic reference in the title.


  1. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Great timing for this weird grievance jag.

    President Tough Interview just stormed out of his "60 Minutes" interview today, then started tweeting nuttily about it.

    Guess which other political figure "60 Minutes" also interviewed, who managed to hang in until the end?

  2. Pop509:12 PM

    Great news! The major media outlets can now finally feel justified in reporting about the Biden emails!

    Feds Confirm Biden Emails Are "Authentic"; '50 Former Intel Officials' Wrong On Russian Disinfo

    1) FBI & DOJ concur w/ Ratcliffe that Hunter Biden's laptop & the emails in question weren't part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

    2) The FBI DOES have possession of the Hunter Biden laptop in question.

    MORE: @marthamaccallum is told by a Federal Law Enforcement Official that the emails are “authentic.” And that the laptop may have not been looked at right away when it was received.

    What a relief this must be for the media. They can now go to town on the story with a clear conscience. Looking forward to them digging their teeth into it. Even they must have been embarrassed about the recent need to restrict themselves to asking milkshake questions of Pop.

  3. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Flash forward: "All the 2021 Pulitzer Prizes are awarded to Zero Hedge, Rudolph William Giuliani and Zero Hedge."

    You, on April 17:
    Just keep on imagining fantasy conditions in which Sleepy Joe has a lead of 7% or 8% or 14% or 15%...Pick any number you want.

    Thanks, Trolly. Any number? I guess I'll pick, oh I don't know, purely at random out of a hat, 10.3%.

  4. Pop 20 to life9:09 AM

    If only Zero Hedge had made the FBI and DOJ tell Fox News that the laptop contents were the real deal, the whole basis of your defense against Huntergate would not now be in shambles. When you combine this with the news that Hunter Biden's Ex-Business Partner Has Flipped Revealing a New Trove of Emails, we see that the dragnet is tightening around the Pop Biden Crime Family.

    My advice - retreat to the safe space of yuh polls...oh wait, I see you already have!

  5. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Sherlock Giuliani speaking about the Hunter Biden super cyber scandal yesterday: “But even if it isn’t accurate, the American people are entitled to know it.”

    You guys are "suckers."

    And in two weeks, you will also be "losers."

  6. Popgate1:52 PM

    The memo has gone out and you read it and by God you're going to obey.

    I've seen weak, plaintively dishonest counterattacks before, but this one takes the cake! Here's Rudy's full sentence:

    "They’ve set up an Iron Curtain so you can’t get out the New York Post story which I happened to know is 100 percent accurate, but even if it isn’t accurate, the American people are entitled to know it."

    In other words, the Career Democrat media have put a lid on the NY Post story. It's accurate, so they have no excuse. But even if it wasn't accurate, it's part of political discourse so it shouldn't be censored from the public.

    But it looks like now Rudy is the man in the world you hate the most, even more than Trump and Don Jr.!

  7. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Rudy Giuliani has been confirmed by Rudy Giuliani. BOMBSHELL.

    You're a sucker. And in two weeks, you will also be a loser.

  8. Anonymous2:01 PM

    And the multiple sourcing just keeps on coming!

    Sean Hannity:
    BREAKING: Jim Jordan Says Staff Has 'Independently Confirmed' the Hunter Biden Emails 'Are Authentic'

    Yow! Looks like Trolly's forecast from April is FINALLY coming to pass!

    How’s this for a prediction:

    The response to the country saying, "How can the Democrats let this go on?" Will be for a conclave of Democrat leaders, including President My Boss, to do the slow walk to Biden's office and "convince" him to step down for the good of the country and the party, and for them to select a replacement for him.

    What say you?

    This say I. After Laptop Joe gets “the talk" and takes the walk, your 2017-2020 prediction batting average will improve to 1-for-AH HA HA HA.

  9. Popgate2:58 PM

    Let's see how your "lines in the sand" against this story over just the last day have held up, shall we?

    1. Hey, look at Facebook and Twitter kick Trump in the nuts!

    2. RUSSIANS! selected Giuliani as their target to ferry the fake Hunter material, and the White House knew it!

    3. It's Russian disinformation and the FBI are investigating Rudy.

    4. A NY Post reporter who wrote the article thinks the material might not be credible.

    5. Giuliani purposely gave it to a sympathetic outlet.

    6. Fox News thinks it might not be credible.

    7. Chris Wallace thinks the story is "suspicious."

    8. Muh Polls.

    9. Rudy contradicts the FBI and admits it's not authentic.

    10. I'm going to delegitimize Popgate by investigating predictions you made in the past.

    It will be fun to keep a running tally of the lines yet to be drawn!

  10. Popgate3:38 PM

    Damn! Even the Secret Service refuses to investigate Rudy! From Pulitzer candidate Zero Hedge:

    Secret Service Travel Logs Match Details In Alleged Hunter Biden Emails

  11. Anonymous6:40 PM

    The Master Bitchslapper can't even tell when he's being bitchslapped. Maybe because your head has gone numb? Or maybe 2018 and 2020 have left your battered skull protected by layers and layers of scar tissue?

    There are no "lines in the sand." Nothing needs to "hold up."

    Nobody's "defending" Hunter Biden on this. Nobody cares about Hunter Biden but your side, because every Trump attack on Joe Biden has failed.

    So what's actually happening? Everybody's m-o-c-k-i-n-g the stupider, shittier "Hillary's emails" do-over of 2016 that isn't working.

    (Hint: "You'll improve to 1-for-AH-HA-HA-HA" was not a painstaking rebuttal.)

    Your Hunter Biden theatrical revival closed on the first night. The scenery's been struck, the cast has been let go. And you're alone in the cheap seats shouting "Encore! Encore!"

    (Hint: This is more mockery of you. Don't assume that you're literally in an empty theater.)

  12. Popgate7:42 PM

    11. No one cares about the genuine Hunter laptop material I tried so hard to discredit.

    Keep 'em coming! I'm literally in tears!

  13. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I'm literally in tears!

    Practicing for Election Night?

    Don’t bother. Just keep right on pretending that what is happening isn’t, and what isn’t happening is. It's the next best thing to winning.

    There are 68 headline links on the super-liberal Drudge Report today. Not one story is about Hunter or the laptop, or the texts, or the email trove, or the child porn, or the Secret Service travel logs.

    Five headlines are about Giuliani being outwitted by his penis and Borat.

  14. Popgate8:35 PM

    YOU: "The laptop material is RUSSIAN! Rudy got it from Putin, and Trump knew! But the FBI is on the case, and Rudy is in big trouble! Those emails are more phony than a 2016 Hillary poll!"

    LEFTY MEDIA: "We've decided to treat the treasure trove of laptop material as a non-story."

    YOU: "Guys, how come nobody told me before I made a complete fool of myself? I'm working as hard as anybody to help out! How come I'm always the last to hear these things? Guys?"

  15. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Heh. Even the made-up dumb version of me is kicking your ass.

    I take no credit for it, though. It's too easy. General Soleimani has had a better 2020 than you have.

  16. Popgate10:39 AM

    LEFTY MEDIA: "You see, soldier, once the laptop was proved to be genuinely Hunter Biden's, our quandary became the following: Can we report on the Biden Family business crimes detailed in the laptop contents, and also help Joe Biden get elected? The answer to that question is clearly no.

    "You should have been sharp enough to at least allow for the fact that the contents are legitimate, instead of going 110% bonkers on your blog pushing the RUSSIAN! hoax. Your problem is, you can't manage to be measured in anything - that's why you've never gone higher in the organization."

    YOU: "Guys, I promise to do better in the future, honest!"

    LEFTY MEDIA: "But you say that every time."

  17. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Hee hee hee. LEFTY MEDIA:


    WSJ Editorial Board: Joe Biden Must Answer Questions About Hunter Biden and China


    WHOA. Wall Street Journal's news side just released a debunking of WSJ opinion side.


    Breaking WSJ.
    Corporate records reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show no role for Joe Biden in the China business venture.

  18. Popgate8:59 PM

    Yup. Wall Street Journal news side is LEFTY MEDIA, soldier. Their job would be to "debunk" the paper's editorial on Popgate.

    Hunter partner Bobulinski: "On numerous occasions, it was made clear to me that Joe Biden’s involvement was not to be mentioned in writing, but only face to face. In fact, I was advised by Gilliar and Walker that Hunter and Jim Biden were paranoid about keeping Joe Biden’s involvement secret."

    Crime organization corporate records don't include the "secret" stuff. Duh.

    Oh yes, that running tally...

    12. The emails and corrupt China and Ukraine business deals are real, but Pop wasn't involved.

  19. Anonymous9:59 PM


  20. Anonymous8:56 PM

    AH HA HA HA (continued):


    Is Tommy Bobulinski a household name yet?

  21. Popgate6:06 PM

    Not quite yet but maybe, you know, soon.

  22. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Ooh, another prediction. And not just any prediction, but a not quite maybe soon prediction!

    "If at first (and second, and ninth, and 58th) you don't succeed..."

  23. I want to thank Dr Emu a very powerful spell caster who help me to bring my husband back to me, few month ago i have a serious problem with my husband, to the extend that he left the house, and he started dating another woman and he stayed with the woman, i tried all i can to bring him back, but all my effort was useless until the day my friend came to my house and i told her every thing that had happened between me and my husband, then she told me of a powerful spell caster who help her when she was in the same problem I then contact Dr Emu and told him every thing and he told me not to worry my self again that my husband will come back to me after he has cast a spell on him, i thought it was a joke, after he had finish casting the spell, he told me that he had just finish casting the spell, to my greatest surprise within 48 hours, my husband really came back begging me to forgive him, if you need his help you can contact him with via email: Emutemple@gmail.com or add him up on his whatsapp +2347012841542 is willing to help any body that need his help.

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