Monday, October 05, 2020

Democrats very concerned about Senators' health

Unless they need legislation passed, then get your ass out there on the Senator floor.  Flashback: "Senator Robert Byrd is seriously ill."
Democrats will need every vote they can get. With the midterm elections on the horizon, Washington is as polarized as ever and, for the second time in just over six months, President Obama’s agenda could once again hinge on Mr. Byrd’s health.

In the final days of the health care debate, Mr. Byrd appeared for several crucial votes — pushed each time to the Senate floor in his plaid wheelchair and greeted by handshakes and applause from his colleagues. He spent six weeks in the hospital last spring with a staph infection, prompting persistent speculation about his health and who would replace him if he became too sick to finish his term.
Funny how it wasn't "reckless" to push an ill 92-year old guy out on the Senate floor back then.


  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    How many people were exposed to what Robert Byrd had: being 92?

    Even for a whatabout, this is asinine.

  2. WHATABOUT when Democrat Senators on the Judiciary committee were more than happy to use videoconferencing for other hearings? What's different?

    Just the Offred costumes.

  3. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Ah, the good old days when Democrats openly applauded high ranking KKK members and organizers on the Senate floor. Imagine being able to simply say "Oops, I'm sorry" when being in the KKK became a political liability without being cancelled or having the dozens of college buildings named after you burned down.

    I feel privileged to live in a world where white Democrats in the KKK are considered heroes, and black Republicans can be called racists.

  4. I was trying to find the story - but couldn't - where a Republican who was either sick or very old wanted to vote by proxy or some other method and the Democrats objected and said "nope, you gotta come down to the floor per the rules" even though the rule could be suspended by unanimous consent.

    This definitely happened but I can't recall the persons involved.

  5. Anonymous5:29 PM

    "Wahh boo hoo, the opposition party is obstructing our SCOTUS pick, and that's unacceptable?" The complaint couldn't be stupider.

    And if you think you're crying now... Tick tock, tick tock.

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