Friday, October 02, 2020

A NYT editor ventures outside the bubble

Hot Air: "NYT Editor: By Golly, These Anarchists Just Want To Watch The World Burn."
Quinn also didn’t find evidence for the most popular counter-narrative on the Left either, which were that these were conducted by “white supremacists.” Antifa is exactly who everyone except media outlets like the NYT thinks they are — leftist “insurrectionary anarchists” who just want to watch the world burn.


Unfortunately for Ms. Stockman, we don’t really have a Joker Award for Belatedly Discovering That Some People Want to Watch the World Burn. (Maybe that should be an Alfred Award, anyway.) However, we do have the Captain Louis Renault Award, and it applies well to an NYT editorial board member who is shocked, shocked to learn that her own paper can’t report on reality.


 Actually, I think the more appropriate award would be the Pauline Kael trophy for political insulation:

"I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon. Where they are I don't know. They're outside my ken. But sometimes when I'm in a theater I can feel them."
I only know one person who reads the New Yorker, plus or minus one.  


  1. Unfortunately for Ms. Stockman, we don’t really have a Joker Award for Belatedly Discovering That Some People Want to Watch the World Burn.

    Describing this revelation as merely belated barely begins to describe the astonishing length between the occurrence of hundreds of riots, some half-cleverly disguised as 'mostly peaceful protests' five to six months after they began, and her epiphany. I don't know about you but this shit was quick to spot after watching two or three of them. This Stockman chick is either incredibly naive or stupid, though I don't rule out a combination of the two .

  2. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Washington Post:

    Who caused the violence at protests? It wasn’t antifa.

    The president and administration officials have consistently labeled antifa as perpetrators of violence at the protests since George Floyd's killing, but little evidence supports this claim.
    . . . .
    An intelligence bulletin issued by the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the National Counterterrorism Center said: “The greatest threat of lethal violence continues to emanate from lone offenders with racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist ideologies and [domestic violent extremists] with personalized ideologies,” specifically pointing to boogaloo-related groups as likely to be “instigating violence” at the protests.
    . . . .
    A separate FBI document said the bureau found “no intel indicating antifa involvement” in the May 31 protests in Washington.
    . . . .
    Oren Segal, vice president of the Center on Extremism at ADL: “What we have seen at ADL is that there has been misinformation that has suggested that antifa has been in places where there has not been any proof that they’ve been. [This effort was] more coordinated, it seems, than antifa has been at actually being on the ground.”
    A Twitter account that claimed to be run by antifa activists and called for violence at the protests was later linked to the white nationalist group Identity Evropa.
    . . . .
    Emerson T. Brooking of the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab: “There was a concerted effort by alt-right activists not just to conflate the protest with antifa, but to get antifa declared a terrorist organization by the president of the United States. We see that there was a coordinated, essentially, series of petitions, an online lobbying effort.”

    But the more important thing is that your feels tell you something different.

  3. Three hundred of these clowns marched right past my fucking house a few months ago, nearly all of them snot-nosed college punks, and not a single one of them looked like they were over thirty years old. Fortunately these idiots were the farm team; the pros were in Boston that same night destroying Boylston Street and almost took out one of my client's businesses. She got off light and only had $25K of merchandise ripped off from her. She and her brother didn't sleep for four days, having to guard the store from these lunatics.

    How close did you get to any of these mobs?

    But by all means go with that story, bunky...

  4. Anonymous1:38 PM

    They were all gay, too, weren't they Roger? That wasn't snot on their snot-noses.

    Go cry about the true story to the idiot college punks at the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and the National Counterterrorism Center who disagree with you.

    This is what happens when people over 30 years old join the protests.

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