Tuesday, September 15, 2020

That was two or three hoaxes ago

Red State: "That ‘Bombshell’ Russian Bounty Story Was Just Officially Shown to Be Garbage." 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Total hoax. Our soldiers actually died from exploding trees in unraked forests, thugs on planes wearing dark uniforms, and windmill cancer.

    Red State: "Garbage....you won't see plastered on CNN....Conveniently broke....timing was too perfect....jump to the tune of the mainstream media....Time to Stop Virtue Signaling....it’s not going to be well received by the left....This may be hard for some to grasp....that didn’t stop hacks like Jake Tapper....lies....our valiant fact-checkers....I won’t hold my breath....the fake story in The Atlantic....the Bob Woodward nothingburger....truly are enemy of the people....

    ...okay, now I'm convinced.
