Monday, September 21, 2020

Ready for the battle

Bring it on.  Red State: "Lindsey Graham 2.0 Returns, Flames the Dems on SCOTUS in Brand New Statement."  Here's the key part:
“After the treatment of Justice Kavanaugh I now have a different view of the judicial-confirmation process,” Graham said. “Compare the treatment of Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Brett Kavanaugh to that of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan, and it’s clear that there is already one set of rules for a Republican president and one set of rules for a Democrat president. I therefor think it is important that we proceed expeditiously to process any nomination made by President Trump to fill this vacancy. I am certain if the shoe was on the other foot, you would do the same.”
Speaking of Elena Kagan, I remember the vicious grilling Lindsey Graham gave Kagan after she was nominated by Obama in 2010.  Avert your eyes from this partisan cruelty:


  1. Anonymous2:16 AM

    ActBlue filing, first half of 2019: raised 339 million dollars

    ActBlue filing, August 2020: raised $433 million

    ActBlue, the last 3 days: raised over $100 million

    The above does not include Biden/DNC donation totals

    How's the ol' MAGA death star doing?

  2. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Did I say "over $100 million" in the last 3 days?

    That checks out. $161 million is definitely over $100 million.

  3. I Lost That Line10:50 AM

    I wonder if Democrats realize the ways in which they sabotage themselves. Why is Ginsberg being replaced by Trump? Because her pride and arrogance prevented her from retiring during the O'Biden-Bama administration.

    Why do Republican Senators seem to have a backbone of steel in this matter? Because that backbone was forged by the appalling behavior of the Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearings.

    My favorite part of getting this new Justice is that she will castrate John Roberts. He loves the power of his position as swing vote because he can insure the libs get their "share" of wins. He's being removed from that perch. He'll still often vote with the libs. But no one will care anymore!

  4. I tend to agree: a lot of Republicans DGAF about the nominee at all because they're so pissed about the treatment of Kavanaugh.

    Personally, I'd like Kamala Harris to answer for it in her debate.

  5. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Post-Ginsburg Senate polling:

    Thom Tillis 38% (minus-6%)
    also Thom Tillis 38% (minus-9%)
    Cory Gardner 42% (minus-7%)
    David Perdue 43% (minus-1%) (!)
    Martha McSally 40% (minus-9%)
    Susan Collins 42% (minus-7%)
    John Cornyn 45% (plus-6%)
    Lindsey Graham 46% (plus-1%)

    Their last elections: Cornyn by 27%, Graham by 17%, Collins by 37% (heh), Perdue by 8%, Gardner by 2%, Tillis by 1.5%, McSally lost by 2.4%.

    Will these lions be locking in a SCOTUS advantage for a generation, or for eight or nine weeks?

  6. Anonymous12:09 PM

    And now the Kansas Senate seat - freakin' Kansas - is somehow at risk.

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