Saturday, September 12, 2020

Prediction: Sleepy Joe won't debate

That's the opinion of this guy who flatly predicts: "Look for Biden to bow out of the debates within the next two weeks."  From the American Spectator: "Why Biden Will Withdraw From the Debates - It’s the only way for Joe’s handlers to save him from himself."
While Biden has said “he can hardly wait” to take on Trump in the debates, I don’t think his team or his proxies will let him. Even before Kenosha, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Lockhart, and others were publicly urging their candidate to pull out of the debates, ostensibly because of Trump’s alleged incorrigible dishonesty. I expect that the drumbeat to withdraw will increase steadily over the next two weeks. The usual anti-Trump “bombshells” by the media (like those in the Atlantic and in Bob Woodward’s latest book) will provide the Democrats some cover, though dodging the debates will hurt them in some circles.

If Biden defies my prediction and proceeds with the debates — whether out of misplaced confidence or desperation — they are far more likely to be a disaster for him than a success. Although he and Trump are roughly the same age, right now they are worlds apart in terms of their mental and physical abilities. Moreover, Biden’s former, more moderate positions on law and order, patriotism, religious liberties, business, even pro-life issues — are at loggerheads with the progressive stances he’s been forced to adopt in the new Democratic Party.
The other day, Biden emerged from his basement and sat down for an rare interview with Jake Tapper of CNN.  On full display was the confusion cloud that surrounds Sleepy Joe whenever he doesn't have a teleprompter to give him the answers, culminating in obliquely calling Michigan voters racist.  

I believe Biden will debate because his ego tells him he can beat Trump.  But Trump is going to give him the pushback that Biden rarely experiences from the mainstream media and only exploded into view a handful of times on the campaign trail, you dog-faced lying pony soldier.


  1. Hmmmm....this doesn't pass the smell test.

  2. Topline Message10:41 PM

    Because of the anonymous source? I see your point.

  3. Yeah, no respectable journalist would depend on anonymous sources like this.

  4. Anonymous6:38 PM


    Who was Bob Woodward's anonymous source? (And California thinks they have too many simultaneous wildfires to put out.)

  5. Anonymous11:14 PM

    If Biden defies my prediction and proceeds with the debates — whether out of misplaced confidence or desperation — they are far more likely to be a disaster for him than a success. Although he and Trump are roughly the same age, right now they are worlds apart in terms of their mental and physical abilities.

    Fox News poll of likely voters, released this past Sunday:

    "Do you think Joe Biden has the mental soundness to serve effectively as president?"
    Yes: 51%
    No: 45%

    "Do you think Donald Trump has the mental soundness to serve effectively as president?"
    Yes: 47%
    No: 51%

  6. #6 - source (i.e., the link)?

  7. Anonymous3:01 PM

    From the same poll:

    On the mental soundness question:
    Trump at minus-13% with suburban women, Biden at plus+4%

    Respective mental soundness assessment by senior voters 65+:
    Trump at minus-6%, Biden at plus+12%


    Trump's approval on race relations minus-17

    "Do you think Joe Biden/Donald Trump has the compassion to serve effectively as president?"
    Biden: 62% yes, 33% no
    Trump 44% yes, 54% no
    (39% gap)

    "How comfortable are you with the vote count if it goes on beyond election night?"
    Comfortable 55%
    Not comfortable 43%

    "Who do you trust to do a better job on each of the following -- Joe Biden or Donald Trump?"
    Economy - TRUMP
    Maintaining law and order - BIDEN
    Nominating the next Supreme Court justice - BIDEN
    Policing and criminal justice - BIDEN
    Immigration - BIDEN
    Coronavirus - BIDEN
    Health care - BIDEN
    Racial inequality - BIDEN
    Bringing the country together - BIDEN

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