Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Good question

McClatchy: "Will Joe Biden ever face tough questions during this campaign?"
Finally, Biden was asked about a new diplomatic development. “President Trump has just announced an economic normalization deal between Serbia and Kosovo. And part of that deal is Kosovo and Israel having diplomatic normalization.” Biden said he knew nothing about it. Imagine if Trump made such a public admission.

The questions didn’t focus on Biden’s claims, qualifications or proposals. Those were all simply assumed to be good with no need for checking or verification.

The main takeaway from the “news event” was a real stunner, that Joe Biden is not Donald Trump. That just happens to fit the professed motivation of almost two-thirds of Biden supporters who say they’re voting against this president, not for the next one.

The event’s subliminal takeaway, however, was that these members of the Fourth Estate, these self-appointed guardians of America’s presidential election process, are just fine with that. But should voters be?
Is there any wonder that Republicans are clamoring for the debates?  It's the first time to stick a crowbar between the Biden campaign and the cheerleader media.


  1. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Is there any wonder that Republicans are clamoring for the debates?

    Are the debates the 23rd thing, or the 24th thing that's going to invert the race and vault Trump into the lead? It's hard to keep count.

    Remember when President Hillary Clinton won all three 2016 debates? Many say it was the key to her victory.

    There seems to be another story in today's news even bigger than another whiny go-around of "The media is too easy on Joe Biden." The story's in the air, and it may be deadly stuff.

  2. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Not only do we want Biden to debate . We also want for the election to be finished on the same night as it has been done for longer than any democrat can remember.If democrats can not get their act together and vote correctly then we have little reason to extend the election because of their own stupidity and or proclivity in stealing elections with voter fraud. Our republic is not beholden to their democracy and or their inability to follow the rules.

  3. Anonymous2:34 PM

  4. Anonymous9:30 PM

    We also want for the election to be finished on the same night as it has been done for longer than any democrat can remember.If democrats can not get their act together and vote correctly then we have little reason to extend the election because of their own stupidity and or proclivity in stealing elections with voter fraud. Our republic is not beholden to their democracy and or their inability to follow the rules.

    And God looked down upon you, and said "NO."

    Politico: Democrats build big edge in early voting

    Democrats are amassing an enormous lead in early voting, alarming Republicans who worry they’ll need to orchestrate a huge Election Day turnout during a deadly coronavirus outbreak to answer the surge.

    The Democratic dominance spreads across an array of battleground states, according to absentee ballot request data compiled by state election authorities and analyzed by Democratic and Republican data experts. In North Carolina and Pennsylvania, Democrats have a roughly three-to-one advantage over Republicans in absentee ballot requests. In Florida — a must-win for President Donald Trump — the Democratic lead stands at more than 700,000 ballot requests, while the party also leads in New Hampshire, Ohio and Iowa.

    Even more concerning for Republicans, Democrats who didn't vote in 2016 are requesting 2020 ballots at higher rates than their GOP counterparts. The most striking example is Pennsylvania, where nearly 175,000 Democrats who sat out the last race have requested ballots, more than double the number of Republicans.

    …“A ballot in is a ballot in, and no late-campaign message or event takes it out of the count,” said Chris Wilson, a GOP pollster who specializes in data and analytics. “Bottom line is that means that Biden is banking a lead in the mail and more of the risk of something going wrong late is borne by Republicans because our voters haven't voted yet.”

    …An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released last month showed that nearly half of Biden’s supporters planned to vote by mail, compared to just about one-tenth of Trump supporters.

    …Yet Trump — much to the frustration of senior Republicans — has undermined those efforts with repeated attacks on mail-in voting. The president has used his recent public appearances and his Twitter feed to savage voting by mail as a process that can’t be trusted.


  5. Don Jr.6:03 PM

    NBC News/WSJ: nearly half of Biden’s supporters planned to vote by mail, compared to just about one-tenth of Trump supporters.
    Politico: Democrats build big edge in early voting

    They're being busy little beavers with those mail-in ballots.

    Quick question...How many mail-in ballots get rejected for one reason or another vs ballots of people voting in person on election day? Asking for a yuge candidate.

    Washington Post: More than 500,000 mail ballots were rejected in the primaries. That could make the difference in battleground states this fall.

    NBC: "This year, the rejection rates are going to be higher," said Wendy Weiser, vice president of the Democracy Program at the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law.

    Also Politico: Since 2016, Republicans have netted nearly seven times as many registered voters in Pennsylvania as Democrats.

    Sleepless, sleepless nights.

  6. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Democrats are crowing about expanding the vote.
    Republicans are hoping to suppress and delete it.
    Who has better dreams at night?

    Politicus USA, linking to the NY Times:
    Joe Biden Is Building The Largest Election Protection Program In History

    It's amazing what a campaign can afford to do when (a) it's crushing the opposing campaign in fundraising; and (b) it's not absconding with the funds.

    Also a damn shame that so many key battleground states (e.g. WI, PA, MI, NC, MN, NH, ME) don't have any GOP Kathleen Harrises in charge. This year's hallway shouters are going to need to be extra indignant!

  7. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Aww, another damn shame: the Republicans' sincere attempts to delay mail-in ballot distribution in Wisconsin and Montana have both just been shot down by federal judges.

    In Wisconsin, municipal clerks have kept their offices open tonight and into Tuesday morning, so that poll workers can send the hundreds of thousands of ballots to voters immediately.

    Now THAT'S a "sleepless, sleepless night"!

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