Sunday, September 06, 2020

Desperation time


  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    "When Joe Biden starts to slip in the polls"

    Joe Biden today: 50.5% national average
    Ten days earlier: 50.6%
    20 days earlier: 51.0%
    30 days earlier: 50.0%
    40 days earlier: 50.1%
    50 days earlier: 50.3%

    Florida: 48.5% today, 48.8% fifty days ago
    Michigan: 49.6% today, 50.0% fifty days ago
    Pennsylvania: 49.6% today, 49.7% fifty days ago
    Wisconsin: 50.3% today, 49.7% fifty days ago
    Arizona: 48.9% today, 47.5% fifty days ago
    N. Carolina: 48.6% today, 47.7% fifty days ago
    Minnesota: 50.7% today, 49.7% fifty days ago

    And to give you a state that Trump's leading by 1%:
    Texas: Biden 46.6% today, 46.2% fifty days ago

    Some "desperate" scoundrel put lies in Spongebob's mouth.

  2. Don Jr.5:32 PM

    Another unmistakeable sign:
    Harris Flip-Flops: Never Mind My “False Choice” Claim Last Year, Let’s Not Ban Fracking After All

    I didn't expect it would be full-on desperation time this soon, but here we are.

  3. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Heh. Duh. Burp.
