Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Once you have your rationale, anything goes

 Hot Air: "BLM Chicago: Corporations Looted Us Far More Than A Few “Looters” Stole This Weekend."  According to the story, the looting in Chicago was an organized event:

This statement might suggest that BLM Chicago had something to do with the planning of the weekend pillaging. The police and the media have already noted that this didn’t resemble normal ad-hoc looting, where a breakdown in order precedes a sudden rush to cash in. When progressive activist priest Rev. Michael Pfleger notices that “this was obviously very orchestrated,” that points to a conspiracy.

Yes, well, a U-Haul pulling up in front of the Magnificent Mile right before the looting started is something of a tip-off.  

BLM has framed this in the context of their banner: everybody looted from us so we get to loot back.   This goofy drum-circle rationale is all they really need, then anybody and everything is a target.  Because, if there's one thing that C.S. Lewis has taught us, once you have "the approval of your own conscience", then all bets are off.

See also: Bill De Blasio's streetfront graffiti.  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    See also: Bill De Blasio's streetfront graffiti.

    Just the fact that you mention it more than a month later means it's working.
