Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Now it's a crisis

Legal Insurrection: "Don Lemon: “The Rioting Has Got to Stop… It’s Showing Up in the Polls” - "Forget about the people who have been killed, the businesses, homes and livelihoods ruined, it’s about the polls."


  1. Anonymous3:46 PM

    The Legal Insurrection link includes a tweet crowing, "This will be top-notch fodder for the Trump campaign in a key swing district in a key swing state." And another tweet declaring, "Trump is going to win Wisconsin." The latter tweet is from a source that Legal Insurrection trusts implicitly... Legal Insurrection.

    Since "it's about the polls," let's look at some.

    Minnesota polling average 3 months ago, the day before the George Floyd murder and subsequent violence:

    Biden 49.8%, Trump 45.2%

    Minnesota polling average, today:

    Biden 50.5%, Trump 44.8%

    Quite the "Soleimani bounce" there.

    Maybe Trump will win Wisconsin. But they had a couple of fires and sleepless nights in Minnesota, too.

  2. Don Jr.9:08 PM

    Why are you wasting your time here? Go talk Don Lemon and Mayor Bowser down from the ledge with your polling averages.

  3. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Ha ha, you listen to Don Lemon?

  4. Anonymous6:02 PM

    The above Red State link, specifically referring to a poll that has Biden leading by 10%:

    "All the indications are that President Donald Trump has pulled more or less even with Joe Biden in polls, which likely mean he is really ahead if you count the “hidden Trump” vote."

  5. Don Jr.6:05 PM

    That right there has got to be your weakest response yet, outside of "Or". Get some sleep.

  6. Anonymous6:29 PM


  7. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Two Marquette Law School polls, each taken entirely in Wisconsin:

    Q: “Do you approve or disapprove of the mass protests that have been held since the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis?”

    June 14-18: 61% approval, 36% disapproval
    August 4-9: 48% approval, 48% disapproval

    Q: “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Donald Trump is handling the response to protests about the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis?”

    June 14-18: 30% approval, 58% disapproval
    August 4-9: 32% approval, 58% disapproval

    Support for protests has slipped in this poll, but Trump has barely budged. This is a problem, but not for Joe Biden.

    It's a lucky thing for Republicans that all the indications are that President Donald Trump has pulled more or less even with Joe Biden in polls, which likely mean he is really ahead if you count the “hidden Trump” vote.

  8. You are one pedantic motherfucker.

  9. Anonymous9:34 PM

    You are one angry bile machine. And you should be much happier, because all the indications are that President Donald Trump has pulled more or less even with Joe Biden in polls, which likely mean he is really ahead if you count the “hidden Trump” vote.

    You should also be happy, Roger, because Donald Trump just told the New York Times all about the strong GOP agenda for the next four years:

    "But so I think, I think it would be, I think it would be very, very, I think we'd have a very, very solid, we would continue what we're doing, we'd solidify what we've done, and we have other things on the plate that we want to get done."

    Now THAT'S a platform.

  10. Now THAT'S a platform.

    Weren't you just telling us the GOP had no platform? Please make up you your mind, tedious one.

  11. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Oh dear. Based on that response, someone has to patiently explain the Babylon Bee headlines to Roger.

    The 2020 GOP platform is very very.
