Thursday, August 13, 2020

Just another sign that Joe won't debate

 What rough beast is waking from its slumber?  Twitchy: "‘This is not a show of confidence’: Even New York Times correspondent thought Joe Biden and Kamala Harris shouldn’t have ducked out on questions."


  1. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Debate? Sundown Joe won't even make it past the Nevada caucus!

  2. Ah, yes, Nevada where Bernie got more than twice Biden's vote. That's when the DNC started to pull out all the stops against Bernie.

  3. Anonymous12:05 PM

    What an unfair way to treat a fellow Democrat. Oh, wait...

  4. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Slow Joe and his hoe are not sure which days end with a Y. A debate is out of the question because Biden would wipe the floor with himself and take out the cum dumpster to boot.

  5. Anonymous11:22 PM

    "Cum dumpster"? That's no way to talk about Donald Trump's hungry rectum.

    Vladimir Putin is a very powerful and convincing top, and Donald Trump is a very willing bottom, as we saw from this week's GOP-authorized "Yes Indeed, Trump Colluded with RUSSIA! RUSSIA!" Senate report.

    We didn't see that report on this site, but its subversive findings are available in lots and lots of other places.
