Monday, August 31, 2020

It's too late, Sleepy, it's too late

Daily Wire: "After Biden Condemns Violence In Portland, Crenshaw Fires: ‘You’re Only Commenting Now Because The Polling Told You To’."


  1. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Biden has too much, anyway.

    Military Times:
    Trump’s popularity slips in latest Military Times poll — and more troops say they’ll vote for Biden

    Will vote for Biden 41.3%
    Will vote for Trump 37.4%

    In the 2016 Military Times Poll, nearly twice as many respondents said they planned to vote for Trump than then Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton... [the 2012 survey] showed respondents favoring then Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney by a 2.5-to-1 margin.

    Only about 17 percent of those surveyed felt the White House has properly handled reports that Russian officials offered bounties for Afghan fighters to target and kill American troops, an issue Trump has dismissed as unreliable intelligence.

    Almost 74 percent of those surveyed disagreed with Trump’s suggestion that active-duty military personnel should be used to respond to civil unrest in American cities, including the ongoing racial equality protests. Only about 22 percent supported the president’s idea.

    Four years ago, Trump beat Clinton among military voters by a 20% margin. But if you look at it a certain way, a 24% swing really isn't that bad.

    Polls are meaningless. Polls are meaningless. And there's still 9 weeks to meaningfully change the meaningless polls!

    Also, someone should tell these cranky soldiers that it WASN'T tear gas.

  2. Anonymous11:15 PM

    In Johnny Mathis terms, the 3rd of November isn't looking so good for Donald Trump. More like the 12th of Never.

  3. Don Jr.9:25 AM

    I guess it's time to again shove the polling averages and turn for salvation back to cherry-picked high-profile the vaunted...¿Military Times? poll. Feeling a bit cornered?

    Also, How can the Democrats let this go on?

    The kicker is when Joe, after babbling incoherently, implores us to "think about it!"

  4. Anonymous9:44 AM

    The polling averages are so far up your side's unhappy ass, they can't be shoved much further.

    How can the Democrats let this go on? The kicker is when Joe, after babbling incoherently...

    PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I don’t like to mention Biden, because he’s not controlling anything.

    LAURA INGRAHAM: “Who do you think is pulling Biden’s strings? Is it former Obama officials?”

    TRUMP: People that you’ve never heard of. People that are in the dark shadows. People that are—

    INGRAHAM: What does that mean? Sounds like a conspiracy theory, dark shadows, what is that?

    TRUMP: No, they’re people that you haven’t heard of. They’re, they’re people that are on the streets. They’re people that are controlling the streets. We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city, this weekend. And in the plane, it was almost completely loaded with, with thugs. Wearing these dark uniforms, these black uniforms with gear, and this, and that, they’re, they’re on a plane.

    INGRAHAM: Where is, where is this?

    TRUMP: I’ll, I’ll tell you sometime, but it’s under investigation right now…

  5. Anonymous10:06 AM

    A more accurate poll is one where they're putting their money where their mouth is.

    Incumbent president Hillary Clinton, the overwhelming favorite of the 2016 betting markets, disagrees.

    But now it's 2020. Obviously you've taken out a loan from the banks and bet it all on Trump to win. You'd be a fool not to. After all, it's like free money!

  6. Anonymous6:11 PM

    There's another money market out there, but this one actually impacts the outcomes of elections...

    Joe Biden raises at least $350 million in August

  7. Don Jr.8:30 PM

    Washington Post:
    Clinton's unsuccessful campaign ($768 million in spending) outspent Trump's successful one ($398 million) by nearly 2 to 1.

  8. Anonymous1:57 AM

    Ah. So the money advantage mattered a lot, and was regularly trumpeted by conservatives, back when Trump was unopposed and amassing a war chest and a "death star." And while Biden was one of a dozen-plus Democrats splitting the pot.

    ...But now, the money advantage is garbage.

    One tiny detail: compared to 2016, how's all that free TV coverage working out in 2020 for your dark shadows stroke victim?

  9. Don Jr.9:26 AM

    YOU: Joe Biden's fabulous August haul of $350 million will impact the outcome of the election!!1!

    ME: But Clinton spent double what Trump did in 2016 and lost miserably.

    YOU: Oh, so now suddenly since Joe's ahead in fundraising, a money advantage means nothing!

    ME: But Clinton spent double what Trump did in 2016 and lost miserably.

  10. Don Jr.2:49 PM

    And they continue to let it go on and on.

  11. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Oh, we'll let it go on and on through January 2025 at least.

    Update: $364.5 million raised by Biden in August.

    About 10% of Americans approve of Trump's handling of the economy but don't approve of Trump overall. The electoral challenge for Trump? They favor Biden by 41 points!

    The solution for Trump? Promote street violence, for the 14th time! It's bound to work eventually.

  12. Anonymous3:53 PM

    And on and on and on...

    Department of Homeland Security withheld publication of intelligence bulletin warning of Russian scheme to push “allegations about the poor mental health” of Joe Biden, per emails and document draft obtained by ABC

    Item (Fox News):
    Pence says 'I don't recall' being put on 'standby' over Trump health concerns

  13. Topline Message9:44 PM

    It's certainly within the realm of believability that the Russians might orchestrate an elaborate propaganda effort in conjunction with Trump to paint Biden as senile, demented, and mentally slow. But there's one thing I haven't figured out yet...

    How in heaven's name did they get Biden to play along?

  14. ♫ ♩ ♪ ♬♩Memories… misty, water-colored memories… ♪ ♪ ♫ ♬♩1:25 AM

    Wednesday’s CNN poll: Biden 51%, Trump 43%

    Aww, even your most lovingly picked cherry has soured... no wonder you haven't been jabbering about CNN again.

    LOADS of new post-convention polling numbers out yesterday, and it was all Biden, even though he's too deteriorated to know it.

    Biden winning by 8, 11, 8, 7, 9, 4, 6, 7, 10, 8, 8, and 14. Drop the 4, drop the 14, and the average is 8.2%. The approval polls and battleground state polling were just as bad for Trump.

    Mmm, oh yeah. Nice Republican convention bump! Nice LAW & ORDER bump!

    Here's film of the Trump bump, so you can have it as a keepsake for your memory scrapbook.

  15. Don Jr.9:33 AM

    What are you doing, rehearsing? There are lefties out there deeply agonizing over Trump's polling surge. Think of poor Don Lemon and Mayor Bowser recently. And yet you're providing the killer mic-drop refutations of that surge here, where no lefty will see them! What is wrong with you?

  16. Anonymous11:45 AM

    In case you haven't noticed, I'm not a lefty deeply agonizing over Trump's polling surge.

    Also, here's film of Trump's "polling surge," so you can have it as a keepsake for your memory scrapbook.

  17. Anonymous11:46 AM

    But hang in there. There's bound to be another thrilling "merely losing by 4%" poll before this is over.

    And of course you'll have Election Night for a little while, before all of those forged mail-in ballots signed by Chinese dogs ruin everything.

  18. Salon Set-Up1:24 PM

    Do the lefties not want to associate with you? What is wrong with you?

  19. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Oh, you're beginning another one of your repetition jags.

    You know what didn't repeat? CNN's presidential poll.

    Me? Whenever any one poll goes well for Trump, I can always console myself with the other thirty.

  20. Don Jr.6:00 PM

    Whenever any one poll goes well for Trump, I can always console myself with the other thirty.


  21. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Fun Fact: The last time Trump led in any Florida poll from any pollster was on March 16th. 172 days and 39 polls ago.

    Fun Fact 2: The first presidential ballots will be cast tomorrow.

  22. Don Jr.5:41 PM

    The last time Trump led in any Florida poll from any pollster was on March 16th.

    The polls, like life, are coming at you fast now.

    No sleep tonight!

  23. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Holy crapballs! Instead of being 1-for-39 in Florida, today's new poll makes you 2-for-40! Thanks, Trafalgar Group!

    The good news for you: 2-for-40 is fantastic when compared to some other battleground states.

    For example, Trafalgar Group also conducted the most recent poll to show Trump leading in the state of Michigan. In the last 60 Michigan polls, Trump was ahead in 2 of them.

    Trafalgar also conducted the most recent poll to show Trump leading in Wisconsin. They also conducted the last poll before that in which Trump was ahead in Wisconsin. And those two polls gave Trump a total of 2 poll leads in the last 160 Wisconsin polls.

    CNN's going to be jealous, the way you ditched them so fast for Trafalgar Group.

  24. Don Jr.9:04 PM

    YOU: The last time Trump led in any Florida poll from any pollster was on March 16th.

    ME: How does your foot taste? Here's a new Florida poll: Trump 48.7%, Hiden 45.6%.

    YOU: Okay, I meant September 3 instead of March 16 — one day and one poll ago! So what? Other than that my "Fun Fact" was correct!

    ME: Your hobby is making a fool of yourself.

  25. CNN misses you, baby.9:33 PM

    Add "the concept of time" to the list of things Mr. Troll pretends not to understand.

    2-for-40 in Florida. 6-for-260 in Florida, Michigan and Wisconsin. Feel the red hot momentum!

    The extreme cherry-pickers love it. But what about the families of the losers and the suckers?

  26. Don Jr.10:20 AM

    It's so much fun watching you squirm as you try to retroactively change your "Fun Fact"!

    Squirm some more for us, loser.

  27. 6-for-2609:00 PM

    You're so, so bad at this. And unless you're a masochist, you're not having any fun.

    If only you had waited just one more hour to post, instead of replying 23 hours after! At least then I'd have to make a quick pedantic note about how clocks work.

    But you didn't.

    Squirm some more for us, loser.

    Hey, you take that back! Haven't you been following the news? "Loser" is the term for a soldier who died in combat in defense of America.
