Saturday, August 15, 2020

I blame the last Republican mayor of Chicago

 What a mess he left behind when he stepped down in 1931.  City Journal: "When Authority Vanishes - Chicago’s leaders have surrendered to vandals."

In effect, Chicago has been run over twice. First, machine politics left it with a huge financial and trust deficit among many of its citizens. Now, progressive politics threaten to undermine the legal order, the foundation of the economic growth that the city needs to climb out of its deep hole. Chicago was sick even before the looting and riots of 2020, but things could get worse still. The city could become another Detroit.

In retrospect, Kim Foxx's handling of the Smollett hoax and her subsequent dismissal of felony cases was a window into Chicago's legal atrophy.  


  1. BLM INRI3:14 PM

    "I used to support Jesus, until his protests turned violent and destroyed businesses."

  2. Chris Palmer6:08 PM

    Burn that shit down.

    Burn it all down.

  3. BLM INRI8:51 PM

    That's no way to talk about Christ the Lord.
