Monday, August 17, 2020

Didn't he hear about Biden's hard-hitting interview with (checks notes) Cardi B?

 Twitchy: "CNN’s Chris Cillizza in hot water for suggesting it’s high time for Joe Biden to take questions from the press." 

Red State: "Joe Biden Finally Grants an Interview…With Singer Cardi B Which Was Nonsensical and Also Made Sense for the Campaign."


  1. Reporters are Junkies9:22 PM

    "This is who you guys want..."

    When you think about it, that is one of the most amazing facts in all of world history. Imagine any large-scale, non-psychotic segment of a population from any era literally choosing someone who's evidently months away from recumbent drooling, in whom to invest their dreams of political power.

    Psychosis has to be involved in that choice.

  2. Anonymous5:35 AM

    And he's kicking your future felon's ass.

  3. Reporters are Junkies9:17 AM

    Would that be the same ass that Hillary Clinton was celebrated for going to kick?

  4. The ass is wider now, and the sphincter is looser thanks to Vladimir Putin's full-access pass, but yes.

    Hillary Clinton's single highest polling average of 2016 was 45.8%, for one day. Joe Biden's polling average has never been as low as 47% for even a day. It's been lower than 48% for a total of 4 days. It's been over 50% for nearly three months. Monotonous, isn't it?

    Clinton's polling lead over Trump peaked at 7.5%, again for just one day only. Biden's margin has been higher than that without interruption since Trump cleverly shored up his poll numbers with the tear gas attack and a Bible.

    This year's first presidential votes will be cast 17 days from today. And in a battleground state Trump is losing, too. You'd better steal more mailboxes.

  5. Reporters are Junkies5:09 PM

    Joe Biden's polling average...

    So after months of vigorously shoving the 538 methodology, you now look to it once again to save you, for...some reason.

  6. ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ I'll... be with you... in cherry-picking time... ♬♩ ♪ ♫

    Here are the Trump-Biden polls of the past week, organized by 538's pollster grades:

    (A+) ABC/WaPo: Biden by 12
    (A+) Marist: Biden by 11
    (A+) Monmouth: Biden by 10

    (A-) NBC/WSJ: Biden by 9
    (A-) Fox News: Biden by 9

    (B) YouGov: Biden by 11

    (B-) Data for Progress: Biden by 13
    (B-) Ipsos: Biden by 16

    ****(B/C) CNN/SSRS: Biden by 4, that's right, we're talkin' 4!****
    (B/C) Morning Consult: Biden by 9
    (B/C) Pew: Biden by 8

    (C+) Rasmussen: Biden by 6

    (C) HarrisX: Biden by 6

    (C-) Change Research: Biden by 6

    (ungraded) Global Strategy: Biden by 10
    (ungraded) Redfield & Wilton: Biden by 8
    (ungraded) Léger: Biden by 7

    You do realize that 4% is greater than the margin of error, no? Hillary by 4 in 2016 would now be President Hillary, and on the verge of being beaten by Senator Ron Johnson, or Silk.

  7. Reporters are Junkies9:36 PM

    You do realize that 4% is greater than the margin of error, no?

    Trust me, the margin of error doesn't enter into the picture. But the 14% gap from the same poll in June sure does.

    As I said, the new CNN poll has you reflexively running back to Nate for comfort. But I don't think you have the self-awareness to even know you're playing such a transparently obvious game.

  8. ♬♩ ♪ ♫1:35 PM

    Your timing is impeccable as always. Biden hit his high polling mark to date in today's average. Which includes the one CNN poll that will save you.

    The CNN poll:
    April: Biden +11
    May: Biden +5
    June: Biden +14
    August: Biden +4

    Biden becomes the 46th President with any of those.

  9. Reporters are Junkies1:56 PM

    By the way, that +4% result includes the Kamalatoe bounce. Pretty impressive. Next up, the Dem convention bounce. You can hardly wait!

  10. ♪ ♫ ♬♩9:38 PM

    Look at you, hungrily sucking on the teat of Lying Fake News CNN, because it's the only teat that's not dripping poison.

  11. Reporters are Junkies10:56 AM

    Nate said he could do without your fickleness, but he understands.

  12. ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♬♩1:27 PM

    Not even trying to make sense is kind of like a rebuttal...
