Thursday, August 27, 2020

Clearing the stage for President Trump

It was sure nice of all the professional athletes to stop playing so as not to steal the spotlight from President Trump's speech tonight. 


  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    The last Thursday night of the GOP convention plunged from 32.2 network viewers in 2016 down to 23.8 network viewers last night.

    Viewers disappeared like Magic for a huge Net ratings loss, despite the big Bucks the campaign spent on those firework Rockets.

    Getting beaten every night by Joe Biden? You know somebody's angrier than a nest of Hornets.

  2. I must've missed the part where DNC ratings were better than the RNC's, ya sad sack of shit.

  3. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Poor Roger. You miss a lot of things.


    NPR: Democrats Beat Republicans In Convention Television Ratings

    Daily Beast: Trump's RNC Loses Bigly to Biden's DNC in TV Ratings

    CNN: Biden hits Trump where it hurts: in the convention speech ratings

    Hollywood Reporter: TV Ratings: Republican Convention Closes Higher, Trails Democrats

    (etc etc etc)

    If you're still feeling sore about it, Roger, just go to the safe space of Donald J. Trump's Twitter feed, where he'll kiss your boo-boo and make it feel alllll better:

    "Wow! Despite the Democrats views across TV and online lie (Con!), we had 147.9 million, the Republican National Convention blew the Democrat National Convention AWAY. Not even close! Just like their lies on Russia, Football (PLAY!) and everything else! NOVEMBER 3rd"

    "The Fake News doesn’t want to report these numbers. The @latimes and others believed the Crooked Dems before the real numbers came out. Too bad we don’t have honest reporting when it comes to 'Trump'. Phony sources, they say anything and think they get away with it. November 3rd."

  4. Anonymous6:09 PM

    It was sure nice of all the professional athletes to stop playing so as not to steal the spotlight from President Trump's speech tonight.

    Too bad Donald Trump's narcotic speech was the political equivalent of a 14-2 Padres/Marlins spring training game, and made everybody wish there was a more exciting sport to watch instead, like fishing or croquet.

    American sports fans: Ugh why do people have to make football games so political

    European sports fans:
