Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Yup, pretty much

Red State: "Martha MacCallum Nails the Barr Hearing: Dems ‘Could Have Just Propped Up a Picture of Him and Yelled at It"

In fact - and I know I've said this before - why didn't Barr just get up and leave?  The guy asked for a 5 minute break because he was hungry and Nadler (initially) said "no."  Is there a Sergeant-at-Arms who would stop the Attorney General from leaving?  I don't think so.


  1. Anonymous12:30 AM

    The response to insufferable staged histrionics should have been... totally awesome staged histrionics.

    Remember when Loretta Lynch was a brazenly lawless Attorney General? Ha ha, yeah.

  2. I liked Loretta Lynch when she took the time to talk to Bill Clinton about golf and grandkids.

  3. Anonymous3:26 PM

    The #1 potential violation on Lynch's Attorney General résumé. Would it crack the top 25 on Bill Barr's list?

    Ha ha, to ask the question is to have answered it.

  4. Yup, it sure did. You can tell it was up-and-up by the way they hid from the media and then instructed the FBI to hide documents.

    Bill Barr's crimes were so obvious and yet not one Democrat in the hearing could name one. My favorite was the nutcase who said he should have intervened at the Michigan state house.

  5. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Remember when Loretta Lynch ordered the tear gassing of American citizens for a photo op? When she subverted the obstruction of justice investigation into Obama? When she asked that NSA felon Susan Rice's guilty verdict be overturned? Lawless and corrupt, that woman was.

    Peru's Oscar Benavides: "For my friends, everything. For my enemies, the law."

  6. Principles!9:40 PM

    Viking Pundit on Attorney General criminality, 2016:
    “It's obvious to everybody what Lynch and Clinton plotted on the tarmac.”

    Viking Pundit on Attorney General criminality, 2020:
    “That wasn’t really tear gas.”
