Wednesday, July 01, 2020

You done messed up CHAZ/CHOP

June 20th: "One dead, one in critical condition in early morning shooting at Capitol Hill protest zone known as CHOP."

June 29th: "Latest Seattle CHOP shooting kills 16-year-old boy, critically wounds 14-year-old boy."

Ace: "Mayor Jenny Gets Mad at Antifa Only After They Harass Her at Her Home, and Orders CHOP to be Cleared Out."

Summer of Love cancelled


  1. Anonymous10:30 PM

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  2. Off topic comment.

  3. Anonymous9:23 PM

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  4. Comment removed because commenter admitted he/she cannot debate.

  5. "Heh."9:45 PM

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  6. Comment removed for irony.

  7. Anonymous10:39 PM

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  8. Comment removed for obscure reference.

  9. Anonymous11:26 PM

    We both know it's the non-deletable Jimmy Carter-level polls, and your own sellout without reward, that have led you to this frivolous end.

    Yet I can't help but feel a tiny twinge of pride.

  10. You should be proud!

    It's like listening to an Atlanta Falcons fan say - over and over and over - that they're up 28-3 in the third quarter.

    It's an amazing achievement, considering you were born November 4th, 2016.

  11. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Football analogy? That makes you guys Al Bundy - over and over and over - reliving his 4 touchdowns in the Polk High School championship.

    So, when exactly does 2020 begin duplicating the durable 2016 model?

    In 2016, Trump caught up to Clinton in the polls - over and over and over - six separate times in all (not counting the election itself). The next time that Trump's within a point of Biden will be the first.

    Forget virtual ties. Trump was within 4% of Hillary for 247 days of their race. Trump has been as close as 4% to Biden for a total of 7 days.

    In 2016, Trump made his historic comeback, as the unpolled SILENT MAJORITY roared back to slice Clinton’s 3% polling lead down to 2%. Slice a third off Biden's average and he's up by more than 6%. But a 6% national polling deficit ain’t gonna get you Michigan, or Wisconsin… or Florida.

    And - minor details here - in election year 2016, Obama hadn't ignored a pandemic, his armed police hadn’t gassed U.S. citizens, he hadn't been impeached, he hadn't overseen a collapsed economy, and he hadn't responded to every Russian provocation by sticking his thumb in his ass and saying "Do you still love me, Papa?”

    Since 1900, 15 sitting presidents have sought re-election. Only three of those presidents have run with unemployment rates that rose during election year. All three - Herbert Hoover, Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush - lost. None of the three elections were squeakers, either.

    We’ll all know when Donald Trump has better than a trick shot reelection chance. The signal will be when the “fake polls” get "real," if they ever do. Because if 2020 is going to start copying the 2016 blueprint like magical thinking and internet braggadocio and Trump’s fantastically strong internal polls claim it will, 2020 had better start soon.
