Monday, July 20, 2020

What's it going to take for Chuck Todd to lose his job?

Jonathan Turley: "NBC’s Chuck Todd Repeatedly Airs Clip Previously Denounced As Misleading And Wrong"
As bad as that incident was, it is not nearly as bad as Chuck Todd ignoring the controversy and the correction to repeatedly air the same misleading quote. NBC was fully aware that the clip was not just misleading but that it conveyed the opposite of what actually was stated in the press conference. Todd shows clip of people denying the need to wear masks and says that Trump is just ignoring the risks to push to open schools.  He then shows the clip of McEnany that is edited to cut off her reference to scientific data, making it sound that she was saying that the science was not important. The clip was played a second time later in the show.

If an ill-considered tweet is a venial sin for Acosta at CNN, this is a mortal sin for Todd at NBC. This was no careless tweet, but an airing made long after the false account was flagged during the CNN controversy.  It is another example of how the echo-journalistic model not only undermines the faith in the media but actually undermines the effort to fully inform the public on the pandemic. Rather than focus on legitimate questions about the Administration’s efforts, Todd instead knowingly played a false gotcha clip.
Is there any quality control - at all - over at "Meet the Press"?  When Jake Tapper is the voice of reason here, you know you're plumbing the depths of partisan gaslighting.

Flashback: "Chuck Todd is garbage."

Extra - Federalist: "To Smear Trump, Media Lies About Kayleigh McEnany’s School Reopening Comments" - "This isn’t news coverage, it is distortion and propaganda. And they did it with clear knowledge and malicious intent." 

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