Sunday, July 19, 2020

This is what you voted for

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." - H.L. Mencken.

Marc Thiessen in the Washington Post: "Maybe Trump shouldn’t save the Democrat-run cities besieged by violence."
As protests continue to spin out of control in Portland, Ore., President Trump said this week that Democrat-run cities have become “like war zones” and that his administration will soon announce measures to restore order. For those alarmed at this prospect, the alternative is to let the cities burn.
There is an argument for just letting those experiments play out. After all, we are told elections have consequences. Well, the people in those cities voted for weak Democratic mayors and city council members. Maybe if they experience the consequences of incompetent Democratic leadership, they’ll do what New Yorkers did in the 1990s and vote in tough-on-crime Republicans to restore law and order.
Shootings are up +358% in New York City but Bill de Blasio has cops "protecting" the Black Lives Matter graffiti outside Trump Tower. 


  1. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Weird, New York City shootings were up by 46% one week ago. It must've been one hell of a week to nudge the rate up to 358%.

  2. I took that stat from the Marc Theissen article, which has a link.

  3. Wilhelm5:33 PM

    It was indeed one hell of a week in Shangri-La.

    Sadly, your relationship with numbers continues to be problematic.

  4. Anonymous10:50 AM

    To Duh:
    My relationship with numbers continues to be orgasmic.

    To Eric:
    You should have taken a moment to question or check an eye-popping statistic like 358%. Marc Thiessen shouldn't have to use cherry-picked scare numbers to make a legitimate point if he has one. Do you know tear gas attacks in Portland, Oregon in the past week are up infinity percent over the same period last year?

  5. Wilhelm2:04 PM

    I too hate unchecked, unquestioned, eye-popping cherry-picked statistics. So let's get a grip, relax, and calmly examine the most recent thoroughly checked and examinedofficial crime statistics report from the NYPD:

    For the period 7/6/2020 Through 7/12/2020...Shooting victims up 252.9%

    For the most recent 28 days...Shooting victims up 227.8%

    For the year to date...Shooting victims up 70.4%

    Despite the fact that those are all a far cry from infinity%, or even 358%, allow me a moment to get my eyes popped back into my head.

  6. Anonymous2:35 PM

    [i]Despite the fact that those are all a far cry from [/i] posted them anyway.

    Your next research project: see if you can think of one or more additional ways in which 2020 is not like 2019, and how that might make snap comparisons less or more difficult.

  7. Wilhelm6:24 PM

    You: Stop using cherry-picked, unverified scare numbers to illegitimately imply New York has a serious problem with shootings in 2020.

    Me: Okay, here are the official, verified numbers. They show there's a serious problem with shootings.

    You: New York's serious problem with shootings is unavoidable and has nothing to do with the Democrats in charge.

  8. Anonymous10:09 AM

    The straw man at the Burning Man festival isn't that big.

    "Cherry-picked" and "unverified" are not synonyms.

    You tried to verify the extravagant scare numbers, but you failed.

    And thus you rewrite my point, then change the subject to the spooky campfire story about a "Democrat-run city."

  9. Wilhelm11:52 AM

    "I never said the horrific official numbers for victim shootings are unverified. I said they are unchecked, unquestioned, and scary, and must be suppressed! And besides, any problem with shootings in NYC is caused by things other than Democrats!"

  10. Anonymous5:08 PM


    If you're abandoning the original topic, so will I. Joe Biden leads Cognitive Genius by 13% in today's Quinnipiac poll. In Florida.

  11. Wilhelm6:39 PM

    "The horrific NYC shooting victim numbers disturb me, so I'm going to turn to my favorite cherry-picked poll numbers for comfort. And I will not be checking, questioning, or verifying them."

  12. Anonymous3:00 PM

    ^ Another perfect cognitive test score.
