Thursday, July 02, 2020

It's a mystery, you betcha

Hot Air: "WaPo Wonders: Why Did Decades Of Progressive Leadership In Minneapolis Create Even More Inequality?"

Maybe a corollary question might be: why do people keep voting for Democrats in the cities?  Chicago saw 18 people killed last weekend, Detroit famously went bankrupt, crime is soaring in DeBlasio's NYC, and Baltimore just narrowly avoided re-electing the previous mayor who left under fraud charges.  But the Left and this Washington Post reporter always have a ready answer: true progressive policies just haven't been tried hard enough


  1. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Bankrupt? Sounds like Detroit would make a pretty good president.

  2. Dog Face9:15 AM

    Despite the decades of progressive leadership in these cities, there are so many forces of evil arrayed against the righteous Democrats that they can't stop things from getting worse and worse. That's why all opposition must be criminalized and extinguished.

  3. The answer is always "more money."

    The $ spent on education in America has nearly tripled (adjusted for inflation) and kids are still as dumb as ever.

  4. By the way, in the video I just loaded (above), it notes that despite all its progressive policies, California has the 4th highest income inequality in the United States.

    "Oh but that's not real socialism."

  5. Anonymous3:08 PM

    The largest socialist program in America is the transferral of money from higher-producing blue states to the red states. "From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his need."
