Saturday, July 25, 2020

Get ready for more of this

Red State: "Antifa Goober Gets Cold Cocked While Blocking Traffic."

It looks like this guy was just trying to get home and this "bike brigade" was blocking the street.  So if the police aren't allowed to keep order, ordinary people are going to take the matter into their own hands.

Related - Legal Insurrection: "Something will fill the vacuum left by police, and it seems doubtful the left will like the results." 


  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Get ready for more of this, too.

    "Protesters de-arrested their comrade from a Fed’s clutches as he fell over like a helpless turtle."

  2. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Get ready for more of this, too.

    "This protester just caught a tear gas canister in MID AIR with a lacrosse stick and sent it back to the feds... LEGEND"

    And check out the chain reaction explosion it causes behind the Cosplay Gestapo fence... BONUS!
