Saturday, June 06, 2020

What's the plan, Stan?

Federalist: "Hoover Fellow: The Black Lives Matter Movement Is Deeply Unserious."
“Striking to me is that about this particular one is that there was not even a list of demands. Usually there’s always a long, elaborate list of demands. That wasn’t the case here. There’s nothing that you could come away from, this entire episode, the last two weeks or so that’s meaningful,” [Shelby Steele] said.
This echoes something I wrote earlier: there's no real attempt at meaningful reform in these protests.  Instead they exist to pick at the scab of victimization.  There will be a new round of marches with "No justice no peace!" signs but nothing will change because there are no plans to change. 


  1. Anonymous1:46 AM

    The Federalist calling something deeply unserious? That's like the Federalist calling something deeply unserious!

  2. nothing will change because there are no plans to change.

    And when the fires in these neighborhoods burn out, everybody's back to square one. You're right on about that; nothing will change.
