Monday, June 22, 2020

They invented some crimes to justify spying

Real Clear Investigations: "No Evidence Needed for Collusion Probe, Just a Pretext Devised by This Man."
Former FBI Director James Comey and his deputy Andrew McCabe have publicly testified they had sufficient evidence to justify investigating the Trump campaign for coordinating with Moscow to hack Clinton campaign emails and troll social media to influence the 2016 presidential  election — a scheme that, if true, would have violated espionage laws and warranted serious felony charges.

But the raft of new documents reveals that the actual basis for the cases was the suspicion that Trump campaign aides failed to file FARA forms with Washington bureaucrats and pay the required $305 in registration fees.
The corrupt FBI, who let Hillary off the hook, dreamed up the FARA and Logan Act charges and then used them as a basis to spy on a Presidential campaign.  The whole thing was a targeted farce.

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