Sunday, June 14, 2020

Prepare for a plethora of platitudes

Looks like "Face the Nation" is the place to be this morning, since Spartacus is going to rain down righteous indignation over shootings in Minneapolis and Atlanta.  If he (or BLM) ever outlines a pathway towards racial reconciliation, you'll hear it here first.

Update: As expected, Spartacus said nothing of note.  Three times he was asked if changes to qualified immunity would represent a "poison pill" and three times he resorted to amorphous stump speech.


  1. Three times he was asked if changes to qualified immunity would represent a "poison pill" and three times he resorted to amorphous stump speech.

    My translation would be - he has lotsa backing from police unions and he ain't giving that up, even though he's in a pretty safe seat.

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