Wednesday, June 24, 2020

NASCAR goes along for the ride

Townhall: "In Race to Avoid Political Correctness Mob over 'Noose' Incident, It Looks Like NASCAR Crashed and Burned."

At this link you can see a picture from 2017, showing the rope loop they're now calling a "noose."  Is it possible that in the midst of this controversy nobody from NASCAR jogged down to Stall #4 to see the offending rope that has been in place for years?  Now I believe they knew it was a garage door pull but either wanted to capitalize on the publicity or were too afraid to contradict Bubba Wallace who is now all-in on the noose theory.

They wasted fifteen FBI agents on this.

Extra - Garbage CNN: "CNN Falls For (Another) Hoax Hate Crime."


  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Wallace was so invested in the "victimhood" status this "incident" conferred on him, that it's not surprising he's loathe to let it go, but it's still funny as hell.

    He'd rather look like an idiot than endure the pain of losing his victimhood or scrambling to refill the victim-shaped hole in his identity with a new slight.

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Al Sharpton now gets in on the action: I do not think that we’ve seen closure in this particular inquiry.

    Clearly, the supply of racial hate crimes must rise to meet the demand for them.

  3. It's a 'noose', if you're planning on hanging a mouse.

    I'm having a real difficult time believing a man, who spends a fair amount of time of his adult life in the NASCAR / XFinity garage areas, has never seen a garage door pull rope before Saturday. Not having seeing a picture of the 'noose' right away or after 48 hours sealed it for me - yet another racial hoax.

  4. Sometimes I wander over to "The Root" to see their reaction and even they admitted it was a garage door pulldown, although they also added some commentary about Confederate flags.

    Everything is so silly now.

  5. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Silly items from this week's racial hoax news:

    *Wilmington NC cop fired after his body camera caught him saying: “We are just gonna go out and start slaughtering them fuc---g nig---s. I can’t wait. God, I can’t wait... we need a civil war to wipe ’em off the fuc---g map.”

    *A U.S. Army soldier has been charged with giving classified information about U.S. troops stationed overseas to a European-based white supremacist group.
