Monday, June 15, 2020

Let the Media Reign of Terror continue

Red State: "Rolling Stone Editor Torches His Liberal Colleagues: ‘The American Left Has Lost Its Mind’."

Related - Washington Examiner: "Assault on open speech is an attack on America."


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    The national polling average:

    Mar 1: Biden 49.7, Trump 45.6 (+4.1)
    April 1: Biden 49.2, Trump 43.1 (+6.1)
    May 1: Biden 49.5, Trump 43.4 (+6.1)
    June 1: Biden 49.2, Trump 42.9 (+6.3)
    June 15: Biden 50.2, Trump 42.1 (+8.1)

    When can we expect the Biden NOSEDIVE?

  2. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Fun Fact: In 2016, Hillary Clinton's polling average was higher than 49% for just 20 days of the campaign, none of them after April.

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