Monday, June 08, 2020

Joe will bend the knee

Good article from Stanley Kurtz: "As the New York Times Goes, So Goes Biden."  It's AOC's party now, complete with the 1619 agitprop. 


  1. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Yes, so goes Biden:

    Sleepy Joke’s fresh lead changes over Trump in various national polls:
    CNN: from 11% to 14%
    ABC/WaPo: 3% to 10%
    Monmouth: 3.5% to 11%
    Quinnipiac: 8% to 11%
    Fox News: 4.5% to 8%
    NBC/WSJ: 7% to 7%
    Average of the above: 6.2% before, 10.2% today

    Meanwhile, Trump’s staff recently made up a privately commissioned poll in which Trump was instead "quickly gaining ground on Biden," just to calm President Titanic down.

    And today, the campaign announced that they’ve hired GOP polling outfit McLaughlin & Associates to fact-check and debunk the other pollsters. And for the same reason: calming Trump down. McLaughlin is truly the gold standard here. The pollster's final calls were only off by 25% in SOME of the midterm races two years ago. Before that, they blew Eric Cantor’s losing race by 45%, but that was well within the traditional 47% margin of error. Please don't look up their rating grade; what matters most is they're good at client service.

    Here’s McLaughlin dismissing somebody else's D +1 poll as wrong, because the correct assessment should have been the Republican leading by 10%: “This poll was executed so poorly. …They are clearly not talking to the right people. …Their raw data confirms how screwed up things are. …This poll fails even the simplest of stress tests.” The Democrat won by 2%.

    Now McLaughlin says the new Trump polls are wrong, too.

    The Trump campaign is ALSO throwing half a million dollars away by running local TV ads in the Washington D.C. area on the cable channels that they know Trump watches when he's not busy WORKING HARD! Again, these ads' sole purpose is to make him feel better. Unless that messaging flips D.C., Maryland and Virginia.

    Fun fact: the impetus for the ad buys is to counter George Conway’s group, which keeps running their attack ads locally on Trump's favorite local channels specifically to make Trump angry. (They’ve succeeded.)

  2. There will be Growth in the Spring10:26 AM

    As the article implies, there's nothing left of Joe Biden as a self-determining actor. Political forces and his mental decline have brought this about.

    Poor Puppet Biden's handlers are 100% fixated on one thing: How "Woke" does "Sleepy" Joe have to appear in order to avoid being drawn and quartered?

  3. I seem to recall Hillary! had a huge June lead; that worked out well...

  4. Biden was never seriously challenged in the debates because nobody considered him a threat; it was only after they were over that the DNC threw their weight behind Biden to prevent a Sanders nomination.
    Whenever Biden is challenged he's libel to call you "fat" or challenge you to take an IQ test.

  5. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I seem to recall Hillary! had a huge June lead; that worked out well...

    Hillary Clinton had a nice polling lead in December 2015, but lost it; then she had her largest lead in late March, but it all vanished and she fell slightly behind for a moment; then she built a nice lead again in June, but it didn't last and she fell behind Trump by a little more; then she had a good lead in August, but it almost entirely went away; then she got her lead back in October, but then the polls narrowed to about a point and a half; then they held the election.

    In other words, it's a terrifyingly exact match for the wild up-and-down roller coaster ride of the Biden-Trump polling. We're seeing 2016 all over again.
