Saturday, June 06, 2020

Gotta focus on the important matters

PJ Media: "This State-Sanctioned Graffiti Is the Ultimate Example of Anti-Trump Pettiness."  The mayor of Washington, D.C. painted "Black Lives Matter" over city streets.

In other news: "2019 had the highest homicide rate D.C. has seen in more than a decade."



  1. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Whether she likes it or not, the mayor must be forced to answer this unavoidable question: HOW many people were killed and HOW many lives were destroyed because volunteers were painting yellow letters at 4 AM?

  2. Now that city streets can carry political messages, I look forward to the state-sanctioned messages outside of Planned Parenthood.

  3. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Who cares? Go for it. Any random unwed pregnant teen will be more mature and much less easy to unsettle than Donald J. Trump.

    Especially since conservative comedy is all about stealing existing successful leftwing jokes and copying them backwards.

  4. Anonymous4:20 PM

