Friday, June 26, 2020

Friday video


  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Russia's military agency offered bounties to Afghan militants who killed U.S. soldiers. Some Afghans were subsequently paid for their work.

    Donald Trump was briefed about it three months ago. He was given a range of retaliatory options, but has done nothing. Unless you count two months after receiving the news, when Trump announced that he would invite Vladimir Putin to rejoin the G8.

    A shame that Putin didn't pay the militants to shoot at Confederate statues. That would have sparked strong strongness of strength.

    As for the murdered troops, it's just the latest and vilest example of Ramp Man's "Fuck you for your service." Which means it's time for yakkety-yak about Deep State whistleblowers and the RUSSIA! RUSSIA! hoax.

    Anyway, cute cello song.

  2. This is really amazing.. That is an awesome play i must say

  3. Anonymous7:16 PM

    The White House denies that Trump was briefed on the Russian slay-for-pay plan to kill our troops. Pointedly, the White House does not deny the intelligence.

    But that lie isn't even cold before the Washington Post and Fox News immediately report that Trump was directly briefed. And that there were interagency meetings about it.

    There was no U.S. response. Well, that's not quite true. Trump's response was to publicly celebrate his friendship with Putin; to indulge Putin by pulling troops out of Germany; to unify our G7 allies against us; to call Obama a traitor; and to stand in front of West Point cadets, including some who will be sent to Afghanistan, and pretend to venerate them.

    The pride, principle and patriotism you Trump Republicans must be feeling.

    Imagine the moral contortions and the rhetorical acrobatics we're about to see, to defend 300 pounds of scum. It's going to make Cirque de Soleil look like Stephen Hawking.

  4. The makeup job to make those cellists look identical was amazing!

  5. It doesn't need to be politics 24/7.

    Write about what you want at your own blog. Send me a link.

  6. Anonymous8:51 PM
