Friday, June 05, 2020

Did not see that coming

Hot Air: "May Jobs Report ADDS 2.5 Million Jobs; Update: Biggest Jobs Increase Ever, Says CNBC." 

Anecdotally: I'm working a limited number of days on-site and during my commute yesterday I thought there were a lot of cars on the road.  Definitely more than last month when everybody was flying down I-91.


  1. Tim Geisner10:41 AM

    2.5 million new jobs in one month.

    Isn't that more jobs than Obama added in 8 years?

  2. Tim GEITHNER10:42 AM

    Oops...forgot the lisp.

  3. Tim Geithner10:51 AM

    Some anticipatory hot takes are worse than others...

  4. I stopped linking to Zero Hedge because I read somewhere it was controlled by the Russians or something.

    In other news, Paul Krugman believes Trump has "gotten to" the BLS because the numbers just can't be that good.

  5. Anonymous2:39 PM

    The doctor: "Last month you had syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, chlamydia, HIV, scabies and genital warts. But this month, the scabies have cleared up."

    The patient: "HOORAY! I'M CURED!"

  6. Anonymous5:54 PM

    The correct calculation is about 3% higher. The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced the misclassification error, and says it will fix the number.

    13% or 16% or 14.5%, the rate's still horrible.

  7. Tim Geithner9:33 AM

    13% or 16% or 14.5%, the rate's still horrible.

    Wow, that's a monumental insight there, Lord Keynes.

  8. Anonymous11:41 PM

    You're the chump who was cheering it, Lord Farquaad.

  9. Tim Geithner9:18 AM

    I cheered new jobs, not the unemployment rate, genius. Everyone else with a brain either also cheered or expressed their jaw-dropped shock. That leaves you, I guess.

  10. Anonymous7:28 PM

    You were suckered again.

    Suckered again, and again, and again. And you love it.

    Like the bear says in the old joke, "You don't really come here for the hunting, do you?"

  11. Tim Geithner9:04 PM

    LoL - I love how massive new job numbers cause you to back into a corner, hissing.

    Be prepared...the numbers that will come out for June will make May's historic numbers seem tame.

  12. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Yes, and that'll lead to what? Trump's fifth certain approval bounce? His eighth? How many glorious Trump comebacks have you forecast so far? Will the June report double the GOP president's lead in Texas, to 2%?

    May's "historic" numbers... oh, dear Lord. You're not really here for the hunting, are you?

    So I'll just ask, WHICH May jobs numbers? We've already had a couple of May jobs numbers. So far.

  13. Tim Geithner9:20 AM

    Yes, and that'll lead to what?
    More excruciating pain for you.

  14. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Eek! Another chilling prediction from the man who's been right about everything.

  15. Tim Geithner8:31 PM

    You're just like Paul Krugman without the humility or the astute understanding of economics.

  16. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Based on your incredible record of being correct, that can only mean I'm nothing like Paul Krugman, except for the humility and the astute understanding of economics.

  17. Tim Geithner9:27 AM

    True. You've got as much of both as he.


  18. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Say, how are President Trump's reelection chances doing since his historic jobs report a week ago? His polling numbers must be soaring!

  19. Tim Geithner11:44 AM

    His chances must be great. At least, that's what your sleepless nights tell me.

  20. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Trump currently trails in Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

    Trump leads in Texas, Ohio, Georgia and Iowa, by an average of less than 1%.

    Instead of making embarrassing projections here (both political and psychological), why not use your empty bravado more productively by petitioning Congress to break the two Dakotas up into eight different states? And soon.
