Monday, May 18, 2020

What did Joe know and when did he forget it?

Law professor Jonathan Turley: "The unmasking of Joe Biden."
Biden has repeatedly denied knowledge of the investigation. Just a day before the latest disclosure, George Stephanopoulos asked Biden in an interview what he knew of the Flynn investigation. Biden was adamant that he knew nothing about “those moves” and he called it a diversion. But that is not true if he took the relatively uncommon action for a vice president of demanding the unmasking of Flynn information.

Yet none of this matters. A Democratic administration using a secret court to investigate the opposing political campaign does not matter to many in Congress or in the media anyway. An investigation continuing despite the lack of credible information supporting collusion does not matter to them either. A president and a vice president who take personal interest in the surveillance of their political opponents also does not matter.

There was a time, however, when all of this did matter. There was once a time when this would be viewed as the story of the century, including the unmasking of Biden himself in this investigation. But these are not those times, and this cannot be the story. Russian collusion is the story and, as Biden stressed, the rest is just a diversion. It is up to the public to decide who has been ultimately unmasked by the Flynn investigation.
On Friday, Politico writer Jack Schafer dismissed the Obama spying controversy with a wave of his hand.  They just don't care.  The media needs to drag Joe Biden over that finish line, a la "Weekend at Bernies."


  1. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Trying to rebrand "Spygate" as Obamagate... but everyone sees it's Masturbgate.

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM
