Monday, May 11, 2020

Well, that was a quick read

I clicked on the link to this Federalist article titled: "Rep. Jim Jordan: A Look Back On The Russia, Mueller, And Flynn Investigations."  This is the entire article:
We were right about everything.
Time to start collecting some scalps, John Durham.


  1. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Indict, try, convict and win appeal on some "scalps"? In seven months?

    Heh. I'll take the under.

  2. From Twitter10:33 PM

    Asha Rangappa:
    "Can someone ask Trump why, if as he has claimed, “Article II gives him the right to do whatever he wants,” the same wouldn’t apply to Obama? I’d really like to hear his answer."

  3. From Twitter10:34 PM

    Del Quentin Wilber:
    "Since Barr supports such an expansive view of presidential power, that would seem to make prosecuting Obama or Biden or anyone in that White House a little problematic from a legal theory standpoint."

  4. It's now clear that Obama conspired to undermine both the campaign and then the duly-elected incoming administration. I'm not sure what law might have been broken but, if we can't find one, this is great news for Trump in 2020.

    Let's get those FISA court orders going!

  5. Lawless8:48 AM

    It's interesting that the quotes the pollmonger cites openly admit that Obama has committed crimes, but try to justify them with, "I think Trump wants to be lawless, so it was therefore okay for Obama to actually be lawless."

  6. Anonymous11:00 AM

    But it's not at all interesting that Dummy reads those mocking quotes and thinks they're confessions of guilt to add to the alleged big tall evidence pile.

    Polls aren’t real, and Dementia Biden’s about to walk the plank, and Obamagate totally happened and John Durham’s going to avenge my grudges tee hee, and Trump’s going to win again because Betfair customers who couldn’t even correctly predict their own country’s politics say he will.

    Remember "Facts don't care about your feelings"? Man, that really takes you back.

  7. Fact: Trump beat Hillary.

    How does that make you feel?

  8. Anonymous11:36 AM

    It made them cry. It's on video.

  9. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Hold on, Jack. Hold on to that 80,000-vote three-state run.

    Never let go, Jack. Never let go!
