Sunday, May 03, 2020

Threading that needle

Red State: "The NYT Tries to Throw the DNC a Bone Over Tara Reade Allegation, Gets an Answer They Didn’t Expect."

This story is great.  The famously liberal New York Times needed to avoid the appearance of a double standard, given their grilling of Brett Kavanaugh.  But they also can't call for an FBI investigation because that might be too damaging to Biden.

A-ha! thought the Times: let's advise that the Democrats investigate themselves!  What could go wrong?  We avoid looking like hypocrites and the DNC can clear their guy.


Extra - The reviews are in: "Journalists mock NY Times' call for 'unbiased' DNC panel to investigate Biden: 'Is this satire?'."

More - DB Update: "On Biden and Reade, The New York Times Renders Itself Beyond Parody."