Saturday, May 09, 2020

This is your Saturday reminder


  1. Anonymous9:33 PM

    TDS liberal David Frum:

    1. A truck of TVs is hijacked.

    2. Your son meets with the hijackers.

    3. Your campaign manager shares route information with them.

    4. You are recorded on video saying, "I love truck hijacking."

    5. The TVs are in your house.

    6. Your national security adviser talks multiple times in a single day with the truck hijackers.

    7. Then he lies to the FBI about the talks.

    8. Your vice president lies on television about the talks.

    9. Your attorney general drops the charges against the national adviser

    Happy No Collusion Day.

  2. Anonymous1:56 AM

    1. People didn't buy the TVs you were selling in 2016.

    2. You call FBI and accuse competitor of treason.

    3. They spend more than 2 years fruitlessly looking for evidence.

    4. You continue to ignore consumer feedback and gear up to sell them the exact same TVs in 2020.

  3. 1. While the hijackers are stealing the TVs, you tell your police force to "stand down."

    2. After all the TVs are gone, you tell the hijackers not to come back.

    3. Shocked that the TVs are gone, you look for a scapegoat.

  4. Anonymous1:54 PM

    1. Biden is leading in Michigan.

    2. Biden is leading in Pennsylvania.

    3. Biden is leading in North Carolina.

    4. Biden is leading in Arizona.

    5. Biden is leading in Florida.

    6. Biden is leading in Ohio.

    7. Biden is leading in Wisconsin.

    8. Trump is leading in Texas. (By 1%.)


  5. 1. Hillary is leading in Michigan.

    2. Hillary is leading in Pennsylvania.

    3. Hillary is leading in North Carolina.

    4. Hillary is leading in Arizona.

    5. Hillary is leading in Florida.

    6. Hillary is leading in Ohio.

    7. Hillary has no idea where Wisconsin is.

  6. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Ah, so today is back to a "polls are lies" day. At least until Gallup teases you again.

    Harry Enten:
    Biden’s lead is the steadiest on record dating back since at least 1944.
    Up by 6 since April 1.
    Up by 6 since Jan 1.
    Up by 6 since Jan 1, 2019.
    Also, early steadiness does seem correlated with less fluctuation as we get closer to E-Day.


    Nate Silver:
    Trump's numbers on his COVID handling are currently 43.5% approve and 51.1% disapprove. Have been getting a little worse each week.


  7. I don't know how many times - in how many ways - I need to say it. The polls this far out are meaningless and, in Hillary's case, they were meaningless a week before the election.

    Nobody - NOBODY - is giving odds to Biden right now.

  8. Anonymous6:33 PM

    "Don't trust the polls that were wrong about Hillary! Trust the betting markets that were wrong about Hillary!"

  9. "Metrics"7:30 PM

    A week before the election, the 2016 Clinton-Trump polls were correct and accurate on a national scale. On average, they came unusually close to the final popular vote percentages.

    But let's pretend the 2016 polls a week before the election really had been meaningless.

    That being the case, why are you so eager to see Joe Biden's polls nosedive?

  10. Oh, good, I was worried there wouldn't be more poll talk.

  11. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Oh, don't you worry about that.
