Sunday, May 31, 2020

Things I learned on the Sunday morning shows

1. The actions of a handful of looters should not be used to paint a broad brush to condemn the legitimate protesters who are angry over the George Floyd tragedy.

2. The actions of a single cop in Minneapolis indicates systematic failure of the entire American police force and it must undergo sweeping institutional reform.


  1. Anonymous5:38 PM

    How about the feel-good tweet juxtaposition of all time, from one Chris Martin Palmer?

    Simultaneously funny and entitled (as was his reaction to owing himself), it literally and ontologically can't get any better than this. As a free bonus, it tells you everything you need to know about human nature.

    It's made perfect by the additional information that the burning building in tweet #1 was a nearly-completed affordable housing apartment building, which we can doubtless infer would have been somewhat less posh than Chris' "gated community".

    The dawning of reality in this guy's mind, though sadly, not of self-awareness or humility, is epic.

  2. Anonymous5:41 PM


  3. Anonymous5:42 PM

    The laugh-out-loud story of the day: President Trump calls for a "MAGA Night" show of political strength outside the White House, and nobody shows up.

  4. Anonymous8:39 PM

    As someone said in a twitter reply to the tweet juxtaposition:
    "If you told me it was satire, I'd believe it."

  5. A few days ago, business owners were being threatened with fines and worse, if they darted stay open because of COVID in many of the same states and cities where the democrats are currently encouraging oppressed people to gather together in Targets stores to grab free televisions. Thankfully, the protesters have enough sense to then burn down the buildings to kill any COVID they might have spread.
