Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The garbage media and Liberty University

Instapundit: "Dear Journalists: If you want people to stop thinking of you as garbage, stop being garbage." 

They can't help themselves.


  1. It might be a while before that happens, kind of like Anonymous dropping his addiction to tranny bars.

  2. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Roger Bournival said...
    It might be a while before that happens, kind of like Anonymous dropping his addiction to tranny bars.

    Ooh. It seems the lady doth protest too much.

    Lube up, Roger. A new poll from Quinnipiac is "coming through":

    18-34 year olds:
    Biden: 51%
    Trump: 33%

    35-49 year olds:
    Biden: 50%
    Trump: 38%

    50-64 year olds:
    Biden: 51%
    Trump: 43%

    Voters 65 and older:
    Biden: 51%
    Trump: 41%

    But maybe Trump is staying strong among the other voting groups?

  3. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Instapundit: Today Politico admits that “DeSantis looks more right than those who criticized the Sunshine State’s coronavirus response”

    All headlines are from the last day:

    CNN: Why Florida can't get its story straight on Covid numbers

    USA Today: Florida reverses course on COVID-19 medical examiner data, making information public

    The Guardian: Florida scientist says she was fired for refusing to change Covid-19 data 'to support reopen plan'

    Miami Herald: Coronavirus cases in Florida jump by 1,200 and now total more than 48,600

    Anyhoo, when they weren't busy doing their premature victory dance on the libtards' graves, Instapundit was saying something about how bad it is that "many of the responses are rooted in feelings about Donald Trump"?

  4. Human Sacrifice10:28 AM

    Those scoundrels - doing a victory dance that states like Florida, Texas, Georgia and others with governors of true courage are not experiencing Wuhan case and death numbers that match the sub-human hopes of the left.

  5. Anonymous11:00 AM
