Sunday, May 24, 2020

The deep personality dive on Biden's accuser

Hot Air: "The Media Finally Figures Out How To (Safely) Dismiss Tara Reade."
Simply claiming that Reade is a liar goes completely against the narrative. But giving her the same level of default acceptance as was shown toward Christine Blasey Ford would breathe far too much life into her story and potentially imperil the electoral prospects of Joe Biden. We certainly couldn’t have that, could we?
The Washington Post who reported that Blasey-Ford's family declined to corroborate her account and generally refused to talk to the press.  (Later, the conservative media reported that Blasey-Ford's father essentially apologized for his daughter's behavior.)  You would have thought that red flag would have launched a hundred personality studies in the mainstream media but then that would have been "victimizing survivors all over again."

Suddenly, the media once so bent on FBI investigations and protecting survivors has found a new respect for due process and the "sluts and nuts" narrative. 


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Was it the media or her lawyer that dropped Tara Reade this week following reports of Reade's past perjury?

  2. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I know this is the scab that will never heal, and perspective doesn't enter into it. But in a surprise to some pundits, Christine Blasey Ford testified under oath. Whereas Tara Reade cancelled her scheduled interview on Fox News.

  3. Some testimony. She didn't know anything other than she had one beer.

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Samantha Power testified under oath that she forgot something she did seven times.
