Thursday, May 14, 2020

She doesn't recall

Federalist: "Samantha Power Claimed She Never Tried To Unmask Michael Flynn, But Records Show She Unmasked Him 7 Times" - "Newly declassified records show that Samantha Power made seven separate unmasking requests related to Flynn in late 2016 and early 2017."


  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    David Corn:
    So it turns out that the Trump cult’s release of the unmasking requests related to Flynn suggest that Flynn was engaged in OTHER suspicious activity beyond what’s publicly known. Good work, guys.

  2. 'Other suspicious activity' was 'suggest'ed, and after years of investigations and the full force of the Federal law enforcement apparatus arrayed against Flynn, turned up absolutely nothing.

    Are you seriously suggesting they missed something? Ha ha ha - that's a good one!

  3. Anonymous6:53 AM

    turned up absolutely nothing

    Flynn pled guilty twice, ya cockholstering nitwit.

  4. Bet you'd love to see my cock holster, gay boy...

  5. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Roger, you macho macho man. If you start relaxing your sphincter now, the torrid ass-pounding you're going to be taking on Election Day might not hurt as much.
