Friday, May 22, 2020


Twitchy: "Joe Biden tells young black man ‘you ain’t black’ since he’s not sure if he’s voting Biden or Trump."

This is the plantation mentality of the Democratic Party where you're either a good Democrat or a traitor to the cause.

Flashback: "Biden tells African-American audience GOP ticket would put them "back in chains"

Extra - Lots of fun tweets at Breitbart.

More - Hot Air: "What’s worse here — the cultural appropriation, or the Democratic-plantation attitude?"

Flashback, 1987-style: "But campaigning in Alabama in April, Biden talked of his sympathy for the South; bragged of an award he had received from George Wallace in 1973 and said ‘we [Delawareans] were on the South’s side in the Civil War."


  1. O'Biden10:19 AM

    Another flashback: Biden noting that Obama was the first clean and articulate black man.

  2. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Yesterday in Michigan polling: Biden by 6%, Biden by 3%, Biden by 8%, Biden by 9%.


    But Trump's “I will take away your state’s funding during a pandemic and a flood if you help people vote” should resonate with Michigan voters.

  3. I Ain't Black1:26 PM

    The CDC guidelines don't call for Biden to come out of his basement until November 4, so his shoe-in victory is assured.

  4. His campaign is going to use covid as an excuse to avoid debates.

    Dude is losing it in that basement.

  5. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Dude's not losing at all.

    Fox News: Biden 48%, Trump 40%

    Liberal hacks. Probably cried when Hillary lost.
