Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Not suspicious at all

Everybody sends themselves an ass-covering email on the very day they leave office.  Federalist: "BREAKING: Declassified Susan Rice Email Confirms Michael Flynn Was Personally Targeted In Oval Office Meeting" - "Newly declassified portions of a key Susan Rice email confirm that Michael Flynn was personally targeted during a January 5 Oval Office meeting with Obama."

Extra - Red State: "What’s most noteworthy though is the lack of any evidence whatsoever to back up their suspicions. Talking to the Russian ambassador is not a crime, nor is discussing future policy goals during a transition. The Obama administration had no right at all to play god here and attempt to sandbag Flynn. They did so anyway, and in a way that would be seen as incredibly scandalous if a GOP administration had pulled this nonsense."  No kidding.

And this - Powerline: "Rice foresaw that despite the Obama holdovers’ best efforts, the truth about their “Russia investigation” could come to light someday. If that happened, she wanted it to be on record that President Obama had authorized her to lie, on advice from James Comey."


  1. Anonymous12:52 AM


  2. Would it be OK for a President to spy on an opposing party's campaign?

    Asking for a friend.

  3. Anonymous4:23 PM





  4. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Kyle Griffin:

    Breaking via WaPo:
    Michael Flynn's name was never 'masked' in the FBI document on his communications with Russian ambassador.

    "When the FBI circulated [the report], they included Flynn's name from the beginning," said a former senior U.S. official.

    It was the FBI, not the NSA, that wiretapped Kislyak's calls and created the summary and transcript of his discussions with Michael Flynn, former officials said.

    "There were therefore no requests for the unmasking of that information."
